Unlocking Canadian Social Innovation
Please, find below the link to useful material on Social Innovation policies and practices in Canada prepared by the Centre for Social Innovation.
The Centre for Social Innovation is a non-profit social enterprise that opened its doors in 2004. We started with 14 organizations and a mission to catalyze social innovation.
Today we support over a 1000 social mission organizations, with thousands more having graduated through our networks and spaces over the years. From an initial surplus of $572, we’ve reached nearly $9M in annual revenues, with assets over $40M. We’ve grown at about 40%/year, facing and tackling every stage of organizational growth.
We are proud of the role that we’ve played in co-creating and building the field of social innovation in Canada. We straddle the space between social enterprise and social innovation, with a special skill for cultivating social innovation ecosystems. We are gritty, practical, and determined.
Link to the publication. (You may need to provide your email in order to access the publications)