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Campus StarterKit for developing Social entrepreneurship

When combined with the educator’s passion, expertise, and leadership skills, social entrepreneurship has the potential to engage students in any field of study to apply their knowledge and skills to address society’s most pressing problems.

University-based social entrepreneurship programs also create capacity for faculty and staff to develop skills, ideas, and the integrative modes of thinking that lead to successful innovation. The Campus Starter Kit is designed to help higher education leaders build hubs of social innovation by tapping into the creativity and ingenuity of the campus community.

While every campus is unique in its institutional identity and culture, educational vision, and student body, we hope to provide broadly applicable resources to help foster awareness and support for social entrepreneurship and changemaking.

We offer the Starter Kit in conjunction with the following tools, which are available on the Ashoka U website at ashokau.org:

• Making the Case for Social Entrepreneurship Presentation: customizable presentation for staff or faculty to engage their institution on the concept of social entrepreneurship.

• Social Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation: customizable presentation for use in class or at events raising awareness around social entrepreneurship on campus and in the community.

• Social Entrepreneurship Education Resource Handbook: resource guide and directory for social entrepreneurship in higher education including a comprehensive listing of social entrepreneurship programs, initiatives, competitions, conferences, and more.

• Teaching Resource Guide: guidebook for teaching courses on social entrepreneurship with sample syllabi.

As you make use of the Campus Starter Kit, please feel free to customize and re-design these tools to maximize results. Our goal at the Sullivan Foundation and Ashoka U is to grow social entrepreneurship and changemaking throughout the campus culture, transforming the educational experience into a world-changing experience.

Full document is available HERE.



This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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