The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe

European Social Economy website posted interesting relation from the meeting held on 13th May – The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe.

On 13 May 2022, Social Economy Europe participated, alongside with FEBEA, the European Commission (DG EMPL), the OECD, Community Finance Ireland and many other key stakeholders, in the Conference Enterprising for tomorrow, organised by the ADV Foundation, in cooperation with ENSIE and EASPD among others, in the beautiful romanian city of Iași. An in depth mission report will be published soon , but some takeaways deserved to be shared already:

  1. The key role of ADV Foundation as a pioneering group of work integration social enterprises, not only thourgh its innovative projects as (a travel agency), but also as a catalyser of social economy entrepreneuship and in the whole region, through its accelerator. In short a highly innovative group with a vision for the social economy in Romania and in the whole region.
  2. The energy in the room, full of (mostly young) social economy entrepreneurs from Romania, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia. Mostly young people that believe in the social economy as the best way to start up their projects. As the rochdale pioneers in 1844, these young entrepreneurs -in 2022- also believe in an organisational model based on a people first approach, democracy, solidarity, education, and reinvestment of profits.
  3. The importance of framework conditions: public procurement, legal frameworks and access to social finance being key challenges. Again, a group of pioneers supported by ADV, FEBEA, and many other actors of the romanian social economy community have launched AFIN, the first social and ethical finance institution of Romania.

Read more here:



This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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