Brand new country reports on social enterprises, incl China and Germany
The SEFORÏS project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-method international research project on social enterprise funded by the European Commission. Through the generation of robust evidence and a focus on internationally leading research, SEFORÏS aims to better understand the role that social enterprises play in the EU and beyond in the development of and evolution towards inclusive and innovative societies.
Between April 201 5 and December 201 5, the SEFORÏS consortium surveyed over 1 000 social enterprises in Hungary, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Russia and China. As a result, and thanks to diligent cooperation from social enterprises and funding from the European Union, they have been able to launch the world’s largest and most rigorous panel database on social enterprises. The report also presents key findings from China and is the first report on Chinese social enterprises drawing upon a sample carefully designed to ensure representativeness.
The link to all individual country reports as well as cross-country report can be found here: