
Report on key mind-set elements for successful social business development in Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden

Social entrepreneurs, agents of change, with the desire to make the World a better place for all of us to live in. Nowadays, it is “trendy” to be a social entrepreneur and their work is gaining the attention on the national and international levels. But what is it that drives social enterprises to succeed? Is it the desire to make a world a better place? Is it the business opportunity that would also create value for society? Or is it a motivation to improve their own life conditions?

All over the world we see examples of social entrepreneurs creating innovative solutions that are dealing with some of the toughest challenges that we, worlds inhabitants, are facing. Some found solutions to improve hygiene among children by providing affordable soap, some are teaching emotional intelligence and fighting bullying, and some provide homecare and nursing services even in the most developed countries out there. We see new examples coming up in the news every day.

The interest about social entrepreneurship growing rapidly and social enterprises becoming an even more important block in an inclusive labour market, sort of a bridge to pursue social goals of the EU 2020-strategy. Therefore, it becomes more and more important to create a supportive environment for emerging and existing social enterprises. This project aim is to identify mind-set elements, such as different skill sets (competencies), values and motivations that social entrepreneurs have and should obtain, and thereafter provide a knowledge sharing possibility.

This study will not only identify the key mind-set elements that social entrepreneurs should have, but also competencies and skills that are needed to become a sustainable social business that creates an impact. The study will combine information gathered from various educational materials, international studies and a conducted ground research by project partners in their respective countries: Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden.

You can find fool study material here: Study_final

Info graphic Overview of current competences and needs of social entrepreneurs in respective countries, developed based on study of key competences of social entrepreneur, will help educators to adjust their training programs and fill the gaps Infographic

Social innovation centre: Latvia
Anita Stirane
Jevgenija Kondurova
Nordic Association for Social Innovation: Sweden
Charlotte H Carlmark
Louise Weinreder
Ulf Andersson
Skudutiskis academy: Lithuania
Loreta Stelbiene
Nijole Butkeviciene


This material is part of the project “Boosting key mindset elements for successful social business development”, co-financed by Nordplus programm “Nordplus Adult”, project identification number NPAD-2017/10203.
Responsible for the content solely publisher/presenter; it does not reflect the views of Danish Agency for Science and Higher education, the Administrator of Nordplus and any related financial body. Those institutions do not bear responsibility for the information set out in the material.

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