Partnership “Daugavkrasts”
Company Description
The objective of Partnership “Daugavvkrasts” is to promote sustainable development in the territory of Ķekava municipality, Latvia, representing the interests of the society in its development. Organisation is one of the partners in a LEADER project “Successful social entrepreneur in rural areas”. Within the project, organisation actively supports young people with a mentoring program for young social entrepreneurs. The program involves existing, newly established social entrepreneurs, as well as future social entrepreneurs who are still developing their idea. The program includes both group lessons and individual sessions. Each month, classes are dedicated to a specific topic – legal issues of social entrepreneurship and the Theory of Change, which helps to be aware of social impact, business modeling, design thinking, marketing, branding, accounting, as well as business plan development. Within the framework of the five-month mentoring program, motivated young social entrepreneurs develop own social entrepreneurship ideas.
Within the project, Partnership “Daugavkrasts” has developed a collection of videos explaining social entrepreneurship opportunities in Latvia. Videos can be found here.