Lithuanian social entrepreneurs are joining the global celebration of the International Social Entrepreneurship day on November 19 by holding an online event with multiple local and international speakers.
This year, the project partners purposefully dedicate the event to Lithuanian youth (14-29 years old) – learners, students, planning to study, considering choices in professional and social life.
Young people are current and future leaders of the local community and global society. They and they actively question and raise issues related to social responsibility, sustainable consumption, and harmonious interactions with the social and physical environment. The younger generation speaks and acts by showing its interest and willingness to create innovative companies and organizations that differ in their goals and structure from the principles of traditional business.
The speakers of the event, representing different Lithuanian and foreign organizations and sectors, will share information about the diversity of activities in the field of social entrepreneurship – studying at school, studying at university or college, volunteering or doing internships for NGOs, establishing social business in the region or city, cooperating with local or international partners.
The event is aimed at young people (14-29 years old) and educational, scientific, and study organizations, institutions, NGOs, local and central government representatives working with young people, all interested in social entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship.
The event will take place on 19 November. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. online.
Facebook event page
Program of the event:
8.45 – registration
Welcoming remarks by Helén NILSSON, Head of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania
9.10-9.20 Welcome word Jurgita RIBINSKAITĖ-GLATZER, Head of Public Institution “Geri norai” / LT
Part I.
9.20-9.40 Social business – self-realization and change activities for you!
-> Viktorija BRAŽIŪNAITĖ, head of LiSVA / LT
9.40-9.55 Social business – challenges and opportunities
-> Aušra PULAUSKAITĖ, Social Business Project Manager, Versli Lietuva / LT
9.55-10.10 Cooperation Center “Spiečius” – a space for cooperation, exchange of ideas and mentoring in the region / LT
-> Sandra BARZDIENĖ, coordinator of the Cooperation Center “Spiečius” in Kėdainiai
10.10-10.40 The beginning of your career is on the school bench
-> Remigijus JAKŠTYS, Founder of Public Institution “Student Career” / LT
10.40-11.10 “Young Innovation Hub” – collaboration space born in Sweden
-> Sissa PAGELS, Founder of Young Innovation Hub
11.10-11.30 Questions to Part I rapporteurs
Part II
11.30-13.00 Screening of the film “Who is Who: Lithuanian Social Businesses”
13.00-13.10 Reflection of the film
13.00-13.30 Presentation of the project “Coding Pirates”
-> Martin EXNER, Founder of Coding Pirates
13.30-14.00 “Creative shock” – students’ initiative in spreading the message about social business
-> Aistė JAUDEGYTĖ, Creative Shock project manager / LT
14.00-14.30 Social business cases for learning: examples from Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Nordplus Horizontal Education for Smart Development of Social Entrepreneurship project no. Results for NPHZ-2017/10198
-> Andželika RUSTEIKIENĖ, Director of Lithuanian Junior Achievement / LT
14.30-14.50 Young company “Teenage without stress” – business born on a school bench
-> Founders of Junior Achievement young company “Adolescence without stress” Nedas VEDECKAS, Kaunas March 11th Gymnasium, Neda ČIVILYTĖ, Kaunas “Aušros” Gymnasium / LT
14.50-15.20 “Developing Social Entrepreneurial Skills in Higher Education”. International project no. 2020-1-LT01-KA203-078013 delivery
-> Wilfred Ledoux CHASSE SIMO, project coordinator, Kaunas College
15.20-15.40 Social business in the agenda of Lithuanian higher education studies
Ramunė BAGOČIŪNAITĖ, Head of Kaunas College Business Center
15.40-16.00 The story of The Knotty Ones: The small community has grown into an international business
-> Danutė RASIMAVIČIŪTĖ, co-founder of “The Knotty Ones” / LT
16.00-16.30 What questions should I answer for myself before starting a social business?
-> Rita BAJARŪNĖ, business coach, facilitator of change, promoter of work-private balance / LT
16.30-17.00 Closing discussion: cooperation of non-governmental, business, education, science and study organizations in creating opportunities for youth social entrepreneurship
The discussion is MODERATED by Simona ŠIMULYTĖ, ChangeMakers’ON initiator and expert, Head of the European Social Institute for Entrepreneurship Education and Innovative Studies
-> Jurgita RIBINSKAITĖ-GLATZER, Director of Public Institution “Geri norai”
-> Viktorija BRAŽIŪNAITĖ, head of LiSVA
-> Ramunė BAGOČIŪNAITĖ, Head of Kaunas College Business Center
-> Andželika RUSTEIKIENĖ, Director of Lithuanian Junior Achievement
-> Rasa VIEDERYTĖ, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Klaipeda University, SHMF, Project Manager
Will be added
Public Institution “Geri norai”
Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania
Lithuanian Social Business Association
Order of Malta Helpdesk
The event is project no. 10.1.2-ESFA-K-917-03-0017 Part “Involvement of NGOs in public administration in the field of social entrepreneurship”. It aims to promote the active and high-quality involvement of NGOs in the formulation and implementation of social business policy.
The project is funded by the European Social Fund.

This publication has been prepared within SENBS project No. 2020-1-EE01-KA204-077999. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.