Podcast on Impact Measurement, Citizen Participation and Governance
Welcome to Episode three of Social EcPodcast Miniseries – Finance 4 Good!
In this episode we build upon the previous two episodes, in which we introduced the opportunities that citizens have to save their money in ethical finance institutions, where they can be sure that their money will be used in truly green and social investments that really make this world a more sustainable place. We are joined by Rico Travella, from Alternative Bank Schweiz; Piet Callens, from Hefboom; and we return to Peru Sasia, the President of FEBEA, which is the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers. The topic of today´s podcast is: how can citizens participate in the process of ethical banking and financing? How can citizens who save their money in ethical finance institutions have a say in the decisions that are made? This comes down to the governance of ethical banks and financiers, where transparency is key, where (unlike traditional banks), motivation is not based on making a profit since salaries are limited and citizens who invest, get to participate in many stages of decision making. We also look into the challenges of impact measurement.
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.