
Making Change: Youth Social Entrepreneurship as an Approach to Positive Youth and Community Development

31pzzBUiPhL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Engaging youth as leaders of social change offers the exponential benefits of personal empowerment, community enhancement, and economic transformation. Grounded both in interdisciplinary theory and an expansive set of practical case examples, Making Change uses an asset focus and cultural relevance that centralizes youth and communities in social entrepreneurship, while introducing vocabulary and frameworks for youth social entrepreneurship advocates to gain resources and political traction for the approach. Readers will have the opportunity to consider the complex interplay of individual, economic, and community development versus oversimplifying causes or solutions of social disparities. Individuals engaged in youth work, program design, funding, and the study of youth and community development will appreciate the text’s exploration of existing research and theory that cross scholarly disciplines to promote a robust view of youth development.


Making Change unleashes the creative capacity of today’s young people to build a positive future for themselves and their communities. Kruse weaves together research, case studies, and street wisdom from a broad swath of youth development research and practice, social enterprises, and community development to chart a path toward a new generation of transformative and integrative youth work that keeps young people, their strengths, and their energy at the center. ― Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, PhD, Vice President, Research and Development, Search Institute

Tina P. Kruse, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Educational Studies at Macalester College. Whether in the role of college professor, academic advisor, or education consultant, Dr. Kruse focuses on facilitating others to reach their potential. She specializes in the cognitive, social, and emotional development of young adult students, as well as in enhancing community-based, experiential learning.

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This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.


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