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Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

We collected a variety of inspiring success stories from six Baltic Sea region countries!

We make transition! project engages local authorities, civil society actors and businesses in co-creative processes to enhance cooperation for eco-social sustainability. One of the core aims is to improve understanding of the role and added value of active civil society for sustainability.

We collected many incredibly inspiring case studies related to social sustainability, circular economy, biodiversity, sustainable food and lifestyle from the Baltic Sea region. You can read about them in this publication:

Find the vision document here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Green and Blue school initiatives that give practical recommendations on practical ways to integrate sustainable practices into school life.

  2. Anonymous2 says:

    We managed to protect the smallest public park in the city with the active citizens. (Tampere / Finland)

  3. Anonymous_3 says:

    The seedling of the Seed Savers Movement in Latvia was planted in 2011, brought back from a seed exchange event in Hungary. Through deep learning and collaboration with European seed savers, the movement has blossomed, gaining recognition across Latvia and attracting an ever-growing circle of gardeners dedicated to preserving heirloom plants. The seed savers movement in Latvia took root in 2011, inspired by a seed exchange event in Hungary. Cultivated by dedicated individuals and gradually adapting to the local landscape, it has blossomed into a widespread community initiative.​The first five years were spent gathering like-minded individuals who recognized the value of seed saving, as well as fostering a community through annual seed exchanges and shared experiences.​To ensure the movement’s sustainability, a shift towards knowledge and expertise was necessary. Collaborating with Denmark and other Baltic states, the movement drew upon decades of experience to develop a profound understanding of seed saving and heirloom crop preservation. Together with Latvian scientists, a definition and criteria for heirloom crops were formed, and a distinctive brand was created.​With a strong sense of identity and belonging established, the movement expanded its reach through strategic community building. By engaging networks of libraries and museums, the message of seed saving spread like dandelion seeds, reaching eager minds and willing hands.​https://mantots.permakultura.lv/en/isuma-par-seklu-lolosanu Today, the seed savers movement stands on a solid foundation. With a dedicated brand, a database, and a network of passionate seed ambassadors across all Latvia, local gardening communities are shaping. Through regular gatherings, these communities exchange seeds, share knowledge, and lend a helping hand. And the main part – every individual nurturing their heirloom crop collections contributes significantly to both local and global efforts. More information: 10. lecture: Latvia’s story.

  4. Anonymous_4 says:

    Hello, I am not exactly sure if this area fits, but it is a temporary leisure time park for the community, and it is made using reclaimed materials or scrap materials from factories. And few new objects will be reused in the same area in new projects in the future. Also nonstandard trees for nurseries are used, etc. It’s like a salvation park for everything that doesn’t quite meet the usual standards. It will be developed into an apartment area in the future, but the community had problems with lack of public areas in the neighbourhood. So this is like a bandage for some years, until the new permanent designs. Turned out to be very popular. For initial task also meetings with community were held and their needs and wishes mapped out. Located in Tallinn, Estonia. https://merko.ee/uus-veerenni/galerii/ https://www.garantii.merko.ee/blogi/uus-veerenni-vahepark-oluline-taiendus-uue-ja-vana-ruumikasutuse-vahelisel-ajal/

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