Research paper / Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university

Research paper / Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university

Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university. A study has been made to to contribute to the body of scientific knowledge about teaching and promoting social entrepreneurship in higher education institutions (HEIs) based on a measurement before and after concluding an educational experience. It indicated that incorporating transversal social entrepreneurship projects in various courses resulted in students…

Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE
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Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE

Social Economy for the Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities: How and Why – An Introduction to Our Best Practice Guide Actions speak louder than words, but how can companies, businesses and employers further include people with disabilities if they are not fully aware of the possibilities? The willingness of companies to make their businesses…

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

  The Kuźnia cafe belongs to the network of social companies run by the Foundation for Social Innovation. It was established in 2012 as a place of first contact with work for young people from foster care facilities and other educational institutions aiming at young people at the risk of social exclusion run by the…

Taking the pulse on the Nordic Changemaker landscape

Taking the pulse on the Nordic Changemaker landscape

The Nordic Changemaker Map is a collaborative project with the objective to identify key stakeholders, networks, connectivity, and needed support to strengthen the Nordic ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and Changemaking. The Map uses a Snowball Analysis method that enables a grassroots approach to and thus engaging Changemakers from all parts of the region. The Map…

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The ‘Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool’ was developed by the OECD (Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities – CFE) and the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion). The project benefitted from constructive comments from two advisory boards and various stakeholder consultations. What is it? The Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool is a free online…

The 5 most promising non-governmental projects in Lithuania for 2021
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The 5 most promising non-governmental projects in Lithuania for 2021

The most promising projects of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Lithuania have been announced. They have become 5 initiatives aimed at solving various social or cultural problems that are important for individual regions of the country or for Lithuania as a whole. The selected projects will be further developed in a special NGO Accelerator program. The…

From Tczew with Love

From Tczew with Love

“Szafa serc”/Wardrobe of Hearts/ Charity Shop is a new social initiative based in Tczew, Poland, which started its’ activity in June this year. Recently we’ve visited “Szafa Serc”, as we were interested in finding out on our own how the 1st charity shop in Tczew works. We were amazed by the warm welcome, the genuine…