Lithuanians are going to celebrate Social Enterprise day

Lithuanians are going to celebrate Social Enterprise day

Lithuanian social entrepreneurs are joining the global celebration of the International Social Entrepreneurship day on November 19 by holding an online event with multiple local and international speakers. This year, the project partners purposefully dedicate the event to Lithuanian youth (14-29 years old) – learners, students, planning to study, considering choices in professional and social…

A Place Where Youth and Social Entrepreneurship Meet

A Place Where Youth and Social Entrepreneurship Meet

As INDIGISE project supported by Erasmus+ aims to deliver youth-oriented, innovative educational approaches and tools to develop entrepreneurial competence in social economy and spread the idea of social entrepreneurship in general, the OER platform has been regularly updated with the content relevant for youth audience since the beginning of the project in April 2020….

Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting
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Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting

We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, facing COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate every chance to interact with other people.  But what role does connecting play when it comes to entrepreneurship? We recommend you to read this article by Joanne Bond, executive leadership coach, discussing the importance and practice of connecting as a…

Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women
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Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women

Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women (ETMCW) is a concept delivered by European Activism Incubator. It is a year-long innovative, flexible training programme directed to Brussels – based women, who wish to launch a social or environmental impact business, a social enterprise or a non-profit project. The training has been designed to support a diverse group…

The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems Michael Porter
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The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems
Michael Porter

Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World known economist, Michael Porter admits he’s biased, as a Harvard Business School professor, but he wants people to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a…

Creative Social Enterprise Business Model Ideas: 10 Ways to Address Affordability
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Creative Social Enterprise Business Model Ideas: 10 Ways to Address Affordability

We frequently hear the question: “What if the people who need and use my products or services can’t pay?” If you think that the customers who will most benefit from your social enterprise’s services may not be able to afford them, it can feel like an insurmountable hurdle. While it’s true that some customers have…

Social Entrepreneurship: How to Become a Changemaker Through Business
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Social Entrepreneurship: How to Become a Changemaker Through Business

Some people start businesses to improve the quality of their life. Others seek to work for themselves. And some see an opportunity in the market they can’t resist. But sometimes the desire to use business as a means of creating positive change ignites the entrepreneurial spirit in you. This is called “social entrepreneurship,” and it’s…

The Study on Social Business Opportunities in Lithuania – Full Version Available
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The Study on Social Business Opportunities in Lithuania – Full Version Available

The Study on Social Business opportunities in Lithuania (prepared on 2019), analyzing the social business situation, tendencies and opportunities in Lithuania, evaluates: the legal basis of social business (forming the concept of social business entities, attribution criteria, forms, models and conditions of social business); social business environment – conditions / measures (creating opportunities for social…