
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems |Michael Porter

Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World [...]

Creative Social Enterprise Business Model Ideas: 10 Ways to Address Affordability

We frequently hear the question: “What if the people who need and use [...]

Social Entrepreneurship: How to Become a Changemaker Through Business

Some people start businesses to improve the quality of their life. Others seek [...]

Zdanowicz Be Creative Foundation – Creative Power of Help

When fate connects two artistic personalities who love to infect others with their [...]

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The Study on Social Business Opportunities in Lithuania – Full Version Available

The Study on Social Business opportunities in Lithuania (prepared on 2019), analyzing the [...]

Social Leaders’ Business Events in Klaipeda Encourage Regional Initiatives

Last week (16 October, 2020), the Lithuanian Social Business Association together with Entrepreneurial [...]

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – Ready to Accelerate Your Social Business

Established in 2005, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) is a fast-growing Center of [...]

Social Innovation Academy E-learning Tool

Social Innovation Academy E-learning is a freely available tool to gain theoretical and practical [...]

Read the latest EU study “New technologies and digitisation: opportunities and challenges for the social economy and social enterprises”

This study aims to benchmark diffuse initiatives and policies at EU level as [...]

Microfinance in the European Union: market analysis and recommendations for delivery options in 2021-2027

This report assesses current microfinance provision in EU and presents recommendations on how [...]