INDIGISE project – adjusting to and supporting youth on

INDIGISE project – adjusting to and supporting youth on

The lack of visibility, specialized training, support network and infrastructure, as well as limited access to finance are the main burdens that slow down the transition towards social economy and interfere social entrepreneurs for a larger scale social impact. And managing enterprise is even harder when one is only 20 years old or younger. Nevertheless,…

Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program
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Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

Meet Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, incubation Program that Supports Social Entrepreneurs on their Journey From Planning to Implementation as well as offering online courses and consultations. Their members in co-operation with The CARe Network offer special support for individuals and organizations active in recovery oriented mental health care developing sustainable e-services. pic © His founder Zsolt…

Recording of the Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Lithuania on Impact Investments is available online

Recording of the Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Lithuania on Impact Investments is available online

On May 7th a large group of partners has organized annual Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. Due to ongoing quarantine, all of the proceedings of the Summit have been aired online. Here is a program of the event: 10:00 Welcoming and introduction 10:15 Lithuania Social Entrepreneurship environment review – that has been achieved in 2019, Andželika Rusteikienė, Lithuania…

Iceland: 39 well-being indicators
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Iceland: 39 well-being indicators

Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand established the Wellbeing Economy Goverments (WeGo) initiative in 2018. The project was inspired by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WeAll). In September 2019, Kartín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, introduced the proposed 39 well-being indicators under 3 main sections: Society, Environment and Economy. In April 2020, the Icelandic government has approved a motion from…

Clipster, co-living and start-ups in Gdansk

Clipster, co-living and start-ups in Gdansk

Today we present you the article about CLIPSTER –  is a co-living/co-working startup accelerator program in Gdansk, Poland. 2020 will see the continuation of the international Clipster pre-acceleration programme (launched in 2015) offering a co-living option, first of its kind in Poland. Selected on the basis of their applications, candidates from Poland and all over the world are…

RIA Cyber ​​Protection Guide for Entrepreneurs

RIA Cyber ​​Protection Guide for Entrepreneurs

This week, the Information System Authority (RIA) launched a new cybersecurity campaign, ‘Be especially IT-conscious during the emergency situation’, which warns people about cyber threats related to teleworking. All tips for safe distance learning and working at a home office are gathered on the website ‘Due to the current emergency situation and the measures necessary…

Learn­ing ma­ter­ial for com­mu­nity ac­tiv­a­tion and par­ti­cip­a­tion from ViSEnet project
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Learn­ing ma­ter­ial for com­mu­nity ac­tiv­a­tion and par­ti­cip­a­tion from ViSEnet project

As many countries rural areas are facing the same contemporary societal challenges, such as a tightening economy and diminishing local services, there is a need to find new tools for rural communities to cope with the future. ViSEnet project works on materials to help do just that – by  aiming to enhance the ideas and…

COVID and Social economy

COVID and Social economy

Based on the initiative  from the Euclid Network, The European Commission is putting the social economy (including social enterprises) high on the agenda. Last Friday (24 of April, 2020), the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit has written a letter to all the European Ministers of Labour calling on them to support the…

Social enterprises have potential for increasing the employment rate of people with partial work ability

Social enterprises have potential for increasing the employment rate of people with partial work ability

Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has recently published an analysis  showing that social enterprises have potential for increasing the employment rate of people with partial work ability. The  Finnish government aims to improve the conditions for social enterprises to employ people with partial work ability and other vulnerable groups, and to lay a foundation for…

Impact Startup – Accelerating impact in the Nordics – Now in Finland

Impact Startup – Accelerating impact in the Nordics – Now in Finland

Impact Startup program has found it’s way to Finland Finnish association for social enterprices ARVO will lauch Impact Startup acceleration program in Finland in 2020.  Impact StartUp is a Nordic concept that is also launhed in also Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Nordic impact startups get intensive coaching for developing their business and help in finding new networks and…