
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Social entrepreneurship and STEM

One of the directions of social entrepreneurship, supported by many special projects and [...]

Visual collaboration tools for creative teams

  Mural is a visual collaboration tool for teams working online on a [...]

8 Keys To Crowdfunding Success For Social Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding means different things to different people, but it almost always means raising [...]

Business model in Iceland: Karolina Fund & Karolina Engine

“Karolina Fund is a startup company from Iceland. They are the winners of [...]

Different types of social enterprise models

In an article by Conscious Company Media, there are 6 types of social [...]

Storytelling for the social entrepreneur

Stories evoke emotions as the audience connects with you as an individual and [...]

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Helping social ventures scale their impact

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]

Framgångshistoria: Resurs­restaurangen tar hand om matsvinnet

De räddar gamla grönsaker och lagar mat på sådant som annars skulle slängas. [...]

A Critical Reflection on Social Impact Bonds

At first glance, social impact bonds (SIBs) appear to be an ideology-free response to a range of social problems. As public resources are not always made available to adequately fund public and social services, SIBs leverage private investment to finance such services so that providers do not have to front the cost of delivery. Investors are rewarded if providers meet agreed-upon outcomes but lose their investment if providers do not meet those outcomes. On the face of it, SIBs might seem like a win-win for everyone involved. […]

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Selling authenticity: Airbnb’s Social Impact Experiences

Airbnb’s Social Impact Experiences were recently launched in Edinburgh and London, with ambitious plans to expand further throughout 2018. Are they a potentially lucrative opportunity for social enterprises? Anna Patton from Pioneer Post explores: […]

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