Women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe.

Women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe.

The European Women’s Lobby, the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, working to promote women’s rights and equality between women and men took a challange of conducting a research in 10 european countries about Women’s social enterpreneurship in Europe. The final result of their research is the report presenting a comparative analysis…

The 2016 Social Innovation Competition (€50,000) – until 8 April 2016!

The 2016 Social Innovation Competition (€50,000) – until 8 April 2016!

The 2016 Social Innovation Competition focuses on social innovation for refugees and migrants. The 3 winners of the competition will each receive a prize of €50,000. Take a chance, enter the competition and submit your idea! Entries must be received on line. You will be asked to answer 7 questions in a maximum total of 1,000…

Accreditation Process of The Hight-Quality Social Economy Supporting Centers in Poland is coming to the end.

Accreditation Process of The Hight-Quality Social Economy Supporting Centers in Poland is coming to the end.

Social Economy in Poland since last few years is a very important element of national policy, both social and economical wise. The best confirmation of that statment is a fact that in last financial perspective of European Union (2007-2013), supporting of social economy had an appreciable budget and in National Programme was a special priority…

New Danish Dialogue Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth

New Danish Dialogue Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth

Danish Minister for Business and Growth, Troels Lund Poulsen, launched the new Dialogue Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth on February 23 2016.   The Dialogue Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth is surposed to organize the dialogue between companies and stakeholders within the field of social responsibility and social economy and contribute…

For social impact analysis fans: EU consultation on non financial reporting

The EU has just released a consultation (Deadline: 15th April 2016) in light of a Directive on non-financial reporting, which came into force in December 2014 and can be seen here in full. The Directive aims to improve the transparency of large EU companies regarding their environmental and social impacts. This is an excellent opportunity…

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

If I’d need to say it in one word, it would be this: buzz.  There is definitely a positive buzz at the moment in the field of organizations that are wanting to make a positive impact to the society.  For instance, there are all kinds of happenings and events organised by support organisations, students, networks –…

How European social entrepreneurs are using statistics

How European social entrepreneurs are using statistics

From the perspective of four common approaches as to how social entrepreneurs use statistics – getting started, fostering their venture, measuring impact, and communicating the overall phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, the report examines social entrepreneur’s usage of data both as recipients of data – official and liquid – and their capacity, motivation and purpose of…