Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

  The Kuźnia cafe belongs to the network of social companies run by the Foundation for Social Innovation. It was established in 2012 as a place of first contact with work for young people from foster care facilities and other educational institutions aiming at young people at the risk of social exclusion run by the…

The UK Social Enterprise Awards 2021 Shortlist Announced!

The UK Social Enterprise Awards 2021 Shortlist Announced!

The UK Social Enterprise Awards recognize the nation’s leading social enterprises shining a spotlight on the breadth and diversity of the social enterprise movement. The Awards 2021 shortlist have been announced in the following categories: UK Social Enterprise of the Year – the overall award for a social enterprise that has a clear vision, excellence in impact,…

Social Economy entities from Pomorskie Region will be present at the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland!
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Social Economy entities from Pomorskie Region will be present at the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland!

Social Economy Support Centre from Gdańsk (dobrarobota.org) invites you to Pomorska Street in Gdańsk during the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland, where you will find stands of social economy entities from all over Pomerania! Our exhibitors will sell their products from July 24 to August 15, 2021, on Szeroka Street and Ołowianka Street. Social…

Read the latest guidelines “How to stimulate social entrepreneurship via non-formal and informal learning methods”
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Read the latest guidelines “How to stimulate social entrepreneurship via non-formal and informal learning methods”

Although young people constitute a substantial part of citizens worldwide, they are not fully recognised in policies and strategies, as a separate group of interest. They play a crucial role in societal and economic development and are often referred to as „agents of change“. Simultaneously, the unemployment of youth is one of the greatest global challenges. Social entrepreneurship is…

How to create a social incubator – Report analysing best practices in Europe, structuring ideal incubator phases, timing, limitations, risks management of people with socially excluded backgrounds.

How to create a social incubator – Report analysing best practices in Europe, structuring ideal incubator phases, timing, limitations, risks management of people with socially excluded backgrounds.

The Social SEED Erasmus+ project partnership composed of partners coming from Spain, Italy, Germany and Poland (BISER – Partner of the SocialEnterpriseBSR network)  is glad to announce the conclusion of the first phase of the project, during which a methodological guide to design a social incubator for people at risk of exclusion has been produced…

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Balkan perspectives on Social Entrepreneurship

Our colleagues from the Republic of North Macedonia have produced an interesting material – an overview of cases of social entrepreneurs from across the Balkans – The Voices of entrepreneurs and innovators – that can serve both as a tool for inspiration as well as training material. Below is the link to the material, provided…

Ashoka – Everyone a Changemaker
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Ashoka – Everyone a Changemaker

Ashoka is an international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship by affiliating individual social entrepreneurs into the Ashoka organization. Their stated mission is “to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers”. Ashoka identifies and supports the world’s leading social entrepreneurs,…

The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems Michael Porter
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The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems
Michael Porter

Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World known economist, Michael Porter admits he’s biased, as a Harvard Business School professor, but he wants people to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a…