
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

FinImpact: How to Empower and Support Young Entrepreneurs

In times of economic uncertainty, it is easy to think that it is [...]

Social Enterprise UK – supports social innitiatives and builds new networks

Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) is the UK membership body for social enterprise. Their [...]

Government End Game Toolkit

Spring Impact has designed Government End Game Tool to help social impact organizations [...]

How business can be used to create value beyond profit?

Real Value is an independent award-winning economics documentary exploring how today's social entrepreneurs [...]

A Dutch Pilot Study in Primary Teacher Education: Social Entrepreneurship Education in Focus

In a Dutch Institute for Primary Teacher Education, a pilot study was undertaken [...]

Social entrepreneurship – a survey of current research

This working paper provides an intrapolated figure for Sweden using cubic splines, which shows [...]

A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship

Filipe M. Santos, assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Academic Director of the Social Entrepreneurship [...]

Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach

The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the [...]

UPSHIFT, UNICEF’s flagship social innovation programme

There are 1.8 billion young people in the world today, nearly 90 per [...]

A Recipe Book for Social Finance – A Practical Guide on Designing and Implementing Initiatives to Develop Social Finance Instruments and Markets

European Commission prepared a guide that is intended to facilitate access to social finance [...]