The Impact in Palanga is Turned ON: 7 New Social Businesses Have Emerged
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The Impact in Palanga is Turned ON: 7 New Social Businesses Have Emerged

Last weekend the social business sprint “Turn the Impact ON” took place in the sunny resort of Palanga, Klaipėda region, where no less than 7 new social businesses emerged victorious and now will continue on creating innovative solutions to important social problems in Lithuania. These businesses also won an invitation to the social business accelerator…

Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda
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Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda

Social Entrepreneurship (SE) is a popular area of research and practice. An analysis of the existing literature reviews on SE reveals a dearth of studies classifying the existing SE literature into multiple research themes and further presenting popular and less popular research themes. With the aim of bridging this gap, this study presents a systematic review of 188…

Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program
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Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

Meet Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, incubation Program that Supports Social Entrepreneurs on their Journey From Planning to Implementation as well as offering online courses and consultations. Their members in co-operation with The CARe Network offer special support for individuals and organizations active in recovery oriented mental health care developing sustainable e-services. pic © His founder Zsolt…

Iceland: 39 well-being indicators
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Iceland: 39 well-being indicators

Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand established the Wellbeing Economy Goverments (WeGo) initiative in 2018. The project was inspired by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WeAll). In September 2019, Kartín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, introduced the proposed 39 well-being indicators under 3 main sections: Society, Environment and Economy. In April 2020, the Icelandic government has approved a motion from…

Pomorskie region Social Economy entities map
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Pomorskie region Social Economy entities map

Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs from Gdynia, Poland encourages you to use the maps created by the Pomorskie Region Regional Center for Social Policy. This planning is a systematized compendium of knowledge about economic entities related to services in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. In response to the dynamic economic situation of the society in the…

A new call for proposals to boost the development of finance markets for social enterprises
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A new call for proposals to boost the development of finance markets for social enterprises

Read more here: A new call for proposals was launched under the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (EaSI), with the aim of contributing to the development of finance markets for social enterprises across Europe. © Shutterstock / ByEmo Proposed actions in this call for proposals are expected to focus on designing financial instruments and mechanisms for social…

Video about “Lets do business” project in Pomorskie, Poland

Video about “Lets do business” project in Pomorskie, Poland

Almost one hundred students from eight junior high schools of Nowodworski County from Pomorskie Voivodship took part in a few-month-long project “Lets do business”.   Its aim was to promote the economic potential of the areas surrounding Zalew Wiślany. The participants of the project presented eight different business plans concerning social enterprises. Among proposed ideas,…


Izdots katalogs “Sociālā uzņēmējdarbība Latvijā 2019”

Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācija ir izdevusi 2019. gada katalogu “Sociālā uzņēmējdarbība Latvijā”. Tas ir katalogs, kas apkopo sociālās uzņēmējdarbības jomas aktuālākos piemērus visā Latvijā, LSUA biedrus un arī sociālās uzņēmējdarbības atbalsta organizācijas. Tāpat arī katalogā iespējams uzzināt par sociālās uzņēmējdarbības vēstnieku tīklu Latvijas reģionos un Labklājības Ministrijas un Attīstības finanšu institūcijas ALTUM atbalstu sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai šobrīd….