Founding partners and project partners of the network
The development of was supported by various partners during its initial stages, contributing valuable input and resources. However, the ongoing coordination, management, and updates of the platform are solely handled by the Social Innovation Centre, ensuring its continuous operation and alignment with the needs of the Baltic Sea Region’s social economy.
Team Nordics + Baltics
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Social innovation centre (SIC) has been established in 2010. The legislative form – non-governmental organisation. There are 3 main areas SIC concentrates on: 1) promotion of social entrepreneurship; 2) different solutions to overcome youth unemployment; 3) society challenges. Since establishment SIC has been active in social entrepreneurship ( SE) promotion in Latvia and established cooperation with leading SE in Latvia, as well as participates in the SE legislative base argumentation, cooperates with Latvian Association of municipalities to support SE development in region.
We aim at strengthening and disseminating the knowledge, promoting the international and national experience exchange and establishing the networking for social innovation thus enhancing the sustainable development of society.
We recon social innovation as the best solution that offers an efficient, sustainable and positive social change or solution for society’s problem.

Klaipeda University (KU) has extensive experience in international project activities and skilled staff in formal and non-formal education. K U provides a solid number of master and doctoral degree studies in business, economics, marketing, as well as environmental sciences, technologies and health sciences.
KU participates actively in professional networks and developing knowledge platforms, initiates ties with SMEs promoting sustainability, supports SMEs with consultancy on business development solutions, promotes blue and green growth. KU actively participates in international innovation events, takes a leading role in innovative research and development activities in the Baltic Sea Region, cooperates globally on innovation design and knowledge transfer.
University actively supports in conducting much of international scientific and development projects’ activities and skilled staff in long-life training, formal and non-formal skills development. Participates actively in professional networks and developing knowledge platforms, support organizations with demanded consultation on capacity building, business development solutions, promotes blue and green growth in regional innovative ecosystem.
Although the main purpose of the university is to carry out formal education and research activities, the university is flexible and innovative, and is actively involved in various projects, most of which are related to the development of non-formal education and its content. An increasing number of academic staff at the university is involved in non-formal education through project activities, other public initiatives and volunteering, and is actively initiating the development of non-formal competences.
Complementary educational activities for students, open days, thematic lectures, Researchers’ Night, international green campuses, international green technolympics and others simply show the university’s excellent preparation for participation in non-formal education as well as working with young people and increasing their social entrepreneurship competences. The organization is engaged in youth interests and is an active regional member in terms of educating social entrepreneurship and providing outsourcing services for companies, individuals and staff members through non-formal education tools and forms.

Kristiansand Katedralskole Gimle (KKG) is an upper secondary/high school/gymnasium in Kristiansand, Norway. KKG has has 1600 students, daytime and evening school, 220 employees, with 180 teachers. Until 2007, there was two separate schools (Gimle & Cathedral school/Katedralskolen). The Cathedral school was founded in 1651, and Gimle launched in 1879.
Study programmes of KKG include educational programmess for Academic Specialty, Sports, Service and Transport and Health, Children and youth work. The School also offers:
• A separate department for Work Training and Everyday Life Training;
• Training for adult students;
• Annual outdoor trips;
• Political Quarter (debate teams);
• Sports tournaments;
• An extensive historical book collection.

Established in 1998 Euroregion Baltic (ERB), is a politically solid and well-anchored cross-border cooperation platform in the south-east of the Baltic Sea region, representing regional authorities and associations of local authorities in nine regions in five countries. ERB is the first euroregion to have formally included a partner from Russia.
Since its early days, ERB has been pursuing the goals of improving living conditions for its inhabitants, promoting bonds and contacts among local communities, and providing measures for more sustainable development within the region. Comprising the regions from both old and the new EU Member States, and the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast, Euroregion Baltic constitutes the operational network of substantial and effective links across the borders, facilitating the promotion of political dialogue and reform, as well as sustainable, economic, social and environmental development, and thus strengthening local democracy and fostering people-to-people contacts between civil societies. The cooperation actively involves both local and regional authorities, private and public sectors, and NGOs.

BISER was established in 2001 as an organization clustering the representatives of science, public sector and business parts willing to co-operate in the field of European integration, sustainable development and strengthening cooperation links within the Baltic Sea Region. We are involved in the number of projects aimed at developing social entrepreneurship in the BSR, and enhancing and promoting the transnational and cross-border cooperation between the NGOs in the Baltic Sea Region.
Since 2015 we act as a part of the Polish Baltic Sea NGO Network focal point and co-organized the Baltic Sea NGO Forum in Gdansk in 2016 for over 130 NGO representatives from the Baltic Sea Region.
In 2017 with other Pomorskie partners we initiated the regional cooperation platform for the youth entrepreneurship educators. Since Jan 2018 it is called Youth Entrepreneurship Educators Club, and we meet regularly once per month with entrepreneurship teachers, educators, NGOs and business representatives to discuss innovations in entrepreneurship teaching.
Read more about our projects and activities here: and follow our events on Facebook:

INVOLVED is non-governmental organization aiming at creating opportunities for life-long learning and fostering development of individuals and different targets on local and international level.
Via broadening horizons, developing practical skills and offering information and activities, we aim at more active participation in civil society. Involved is interested in and active at youth mobility projects and development of youth and voluntary work, intercultural learning, integration and migration, equal and human rights.
Which requires, among other things, the following activities carried out:
– Develop practical skills, broadening their horizons, thereby providing opportunities for active participation in society of persons;
– Information gathering, processing and distribution;
– Preparation of publications, review and issue;
– Preparation and execution of projects, and its service offering and related consulting; counseling and information services;
– Camps, youth exchanges, training, seminars, training, conferences, courses, workshops, exhibitions, events, etc., and the commemoration of the organization;
– Theater as a method of social integration, demonstration, development, and implements both locally and internationally;
– Volunteering in developing, promoting and coordinating both local and international levels;
– Organizing events and projects in areas such as, but not limited to: youth work, social work, education, culture, music, art, photography, dance, sports, environment, health, intercultural learning, integration and migration, equality and human rights.
People involved with an organization have long-term experience in various programmes such as all actions of Youth In Action; and Leonardo da Vinci including working with young people with fewer opportunities, not only in Europe but outside as well.
INVOLVED was legally established in 2012.

The Estonian Social Enterprise Network´s (ESEN) strategic objectives are concerned with increasing the number, capacity and impact of social enterprises in Estonia. Currently, we have 41 of the top Estonian social enterprises as our members. We were established in 2012.
In summer 2015, we were chosen as a long-term strategic partner for the government in 2015-2018. It was preceded by two important advocacy victories for us and our partners.
Firstly, the National Development Plan for Civil Society 2015 – 2020 (approved in February 2015) includes „social entrepreneurship, public services and social innovation“ as one of its three chapters. Secondly, three out of four main political parties in Estonia chose social enterprise development as one of the topics in their election platforms for the Parliamentary elections that took place on the 1st of March 2015. Thus, the coalition agreement included the topic as well.
Our programs for social enterprise development have concentrated on increasing sales and improving quality / impact of the activities, using systematically a variety of methods like design thinking and action learning.
In 2015-2017, our leader Mr Jaan Aps is a member of GECES, European Commission´s official Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship.

Kveikja: Social Enterprise Iceland (Samfélagslegfrumkvöðlastarfsemi á Ísland) believes social entrepreneurs are the future wave of purpose-full individuals and organizations that will not only create value for their organizations but society at large and will transform “business as usual”. The mission of Kveikja is to be the leading specialist on social entrepreneurship in Iceland through:
1. Education: Raising awareness, promotion and education on social entrepreneurship
2. Support: Continual development of a strong framework, policies and access to resources , in order to support social entrepreneurship in Iceland
3. Development: Providing development opportunities for individuals, our members and startups in the field of social entrepreneurship.
See more at: and our Facebook:

Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark (SED) promotes social entrepreneurship, social enterprise and social innovation in Denmark. The organization does so through dissemination of knowledge, facilitation of networks and organizing of events aimed at primarily practitioners within the field such as social entrepreneurs, social enterprises and other stakeholders in the field.
As a network association Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark (SED) is a forum where social entrepreneurs can find knowledge, get help and support, exchange experiences and ideas and mutually inspire each other. This applies whether one has a long experience as a social entrepreneur, has just started or is simply interested in looking into the possibilities of the area.
Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark is constantly working to strengthening networks for social entrepreneurs both locally and nationally in Denmark to the benefit of our members.
See more at:

The Civil Initiatives Development Centre CRIS is a NGO founded in 2002 in 140 000 citizens city – Rybnik, Poland. It’s mission is to increase awareness of civil responsibility for the community and it’s development, to support NGOs & groups operating in the III sector, to promote partnerships between such organizations, businesses and local government. CRIS is an association of local leaders who want to develop the civil society as well as people’s activity and want help other organisations and informal groups to be more professional and to act more effectively in their local communities.
CRIS is a certified Training Institution registered in the Regional Employment Office since 2005. The organisation is offering training courses, workshops, consultations in the field of fundraising, project writing and management, local animation, VET, development strategy for NGOs, communication, financial independency etc.
At present CRIS employs more then 25 full time employees (management and administrative director, project coodinators, assistance, accountant, trainers, psychologists, vocational councelors) and has about 100 volunteers in its data base.

Growth Room Cooperative brings together specialists in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland.
We create and develop together with our customers and partners positive social impacts through business. Growth Room Cooperative offers specialist support, concrete solutions and participatory process facilitation knowledge combined with aim to create sustainable and impactful business aiming to hit the triple bottom line: people, planet, profit.

Socialt Kapital Forum is a NGO and a global network platform specialized in connecting people in the field of social entrepreneurship/sustainability and social capital. Main activities of the forum are to arrange seminars, workshops, matchmaking and research.
Socialt Kapital Forum was founded out from a Swedish test project in 2006, Dynamic Growth Capital, initiated and financed by Economic agency of growth Sweden and Region west Sweden. The idea was to find a new development model in which civil society was integrated into the “triple Helix model” (State, Academy and Enterprise). A new model the “Quadruple model” was formed. Topic was social capital and to find new innovative ways to work together. This work resulted among others in an extensive global network with people in all fields working with social capital. In 2010 Social Capital Forum was created and opened also up the space for Impact Investment in Scandinavia together with Social Capital Markets, a global leader in the field of connecting social entrepreneurs with investors.
To see more, click here.

Krauslab is the community of students, experts and entrepreneurs focused on social innovations, start-up ecosystem development and effective education. Organisation runs courses and trainings for young people, enhancing self-development and improvement of competences. Since 2015 Krauslab supports social entrepreneurs by providing knowledge and expertise. One of the most important project is Social Impact award ( Also Krauslab runs Master degree programmes in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), focusing on national and international entrepreneurship.Within such educational model international exchange opportunities are provided by Krauslab.