Tallinn Enterprise services


Contact Person:

Contact Email:

Company Address:

Organisation Type:




Vabaduse väljak 7

Company Description

  • The Tallinn Enterprise Board is a public authority that supports the development of entrepreneurship and the economic environment in the capital. ettevotja.tallinn.ee

    Tallinn Business Department offers good advice on how to start a business, provides a good opportunity to learn the basics of entrepreneurship, supports you in presenting exciting products or services at local fairs, and provides financial support to find the tools you need to create modern jobs and fresh ventures.


    Información general
    Vabaduse väljak 7 at the Tallinn Business Department:

    Monday from 8.15am to 5pm
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8.15am to 5pm
    friday 8.15-14.00

    * Consumer information desk
    * Business consultancy

    In addition:
    * Trade and service issues
    * Advertising tax issues
    * Sales tax issues
    * Tourist Information