The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra


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Mika Pyykkö

Itämerenkatu 11-13, PO Box 160, 00181 Helsinki

Company Description

  • The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has a vision of a fair and sustainable future, in other words, the next era of well-being.

    The basis of Sitra’s work is a vision of Finland as a pioneer of sustainable well-being. Sustainable well-being means a good life that is lived within our planet’s boundaries – here, now and in the future.

    Sitra’s operations are guided by six principles of sustainable well-being, all of which are interlinked. Comprehensive well-being is the goal of all activities, for which the carrying capacity of the earth sets the boundary conditions. Members of society and modes of operation in the economy, in communities, in the development of knowledge and skills, and in administration support these goals.

    1. Addressing well-being in a holistic way
    2. Adjusting to planetary boundaries
    3. Empowering individuals and communities
    4. Moving to a regenerative and collaborative economy
    5. Building competencies for a complex world
    6. Developing inclusive and adaptive governance

    +Strengthening resilience

    Sitra has developed the Finnish impact enterprise ecosystem and boosted the development of Social Investment Bonds in Finland through many projects in recent years. They’ve also organized impact accelerators for different types of impact organizations.