The KEY Center run by The Civil Affairs Institute (INSPRO)


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ul. Pomorska 40 91-408 Łódź

Company Description

  • The Civil Affairs Institute (INSPRO) is a non-governmental organisation which is independent from any political parties. Since 2004 we have listened to the voice of the citizens and we transformed it into action. We are focused on systematic social changes. We dream of happy citizens in Poland, who consider themselves responsible for their family, home, street, town and the state. We dream of Poland which helps its citizens to look after a common good in an easier way and help them toand get involved in a public spacelife. We dream of Poland in which the authorities listen to citizens and together with them improve the quality of everyday life.

    The KEY Center (Centrum KLUCZ) is an INSPRO initiative, which, since 2011, supports the leaders in receiving funds from four sources – from individual, institutional and business donors, as well as from business activities. In 2015, by the resolution of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, we have received the status of accredited High Quality Social Economy Support Center.

    What does the KEY Center do on a daily basis?

    Help in executing ideas concerning social business or social activity.
    Help in creating and leading an entity of social economy (for example foundation, association) or a social enterprise in a legal, financial and, above all, business sense.
    Sharing of proven know-how, from experienced advisors and trainers, who are experts in their respective fields, to appropriate tools and practical help.
    Creating workplaces in new and existing social enterprises, as well as providing non-refundable grants and financial support in the first months of activity.
    Organising debates, releasing practical guides and reports.

    We cooperate with a diverse array of environments – with businesses, civil organisations, state and self-government administration, individuals. We are proud and thankful that we could discover different work cultures and points of view – thanks to that we learn both ourselves, as well as the world, for the good of which we work.