Urban Rural Ventures and Initiatives


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sharad kumar



Company Description

  • URVI is the global SOCIAL INNOVATION and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT incubation program which HELPS and NURTURES social innovators to GROW, to ACHIEVE significant scale, BECOME financially STABLE and to DELIVER impact. URVI has a goal – to DEVELOP social INNOVATIONS and BUSINESSES with the help of executive experts, to PLAY a critical role in ENABLING social innovators to fulfill their potential and deliver IMPACT and to open the door to new innovative SUSTAINABLE social businesses enter into the MARKET.

    Uusualy its more than popular to speak about global change, social impact, social innovations and a lot of different social things leading us to social entrepreneurship. But… the biggest challenge is – HOW to make this “social good” PROFITABLE and how to build the SUSTAINABLE business model at the same time creating the significant IMPACT? Too many tasks… be INNOVATIVE, be SOCIAL, be RESPONSIBLE, be… be….
    URVI is the avenue for Social innovation and Entrepreneurship program full of hackathons – boost camps – incubator – trainings, which is made with passion, love and good will of experienced partners.
    Technology and innovation are crucially important and growing aspects of the social impact sector. URVI wants to encourage all of us – makers, engineers, do-gooders, executives, computer scientists, inventors, innovators – are making things that are not just nice to have, but that people need. URVI wants to join people identifying, prototyping, and scaling technologies and practices making the World Better Place to Live.
    It was created to empower all innovators to create social good based on innovations. Urvian doesn’t like small talks and ideas “on the paper”. URVI was born to have a REAL RESULT in your hands.