zai veterinary centre company Limited
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Company Description
ZAI Veterinary centre is a business registered in the United Republic of Tanzania ,East Africa since September 2017,the stage of business is at growing stage .Zai veterinary centre has planned to provide services to people who are engaged in livestock keeping specifically on improved chicken, improved pigs and dairy cows. The main objective of the business is to enable livestock farmers’ access livestock inputs in cheap bases throughout the year for efficient production by December 2022. ZAI veterinary centre value proposition of our business is to enable livestock farmers to access all key livestock inputs mainly targeting chicken, pigs and dairy cows in high quality, cheap bases and available throughout the year, also to provide skills regularly in cooperation with Government Extension workers. The product we are dealing with include all livestock premixes for chicken, pig and dairy cow, accaricides, vaccines and antibiotics to prevent and treat livestock from diseases, feed materials like maize bran, maize, seed cakes, fishmeal, however we do manufacture poultry feeds which have high quality for good performance of chicken of all stages. Our business is in agriculture sector, there is high potential for growth of this business, as majority of rural African communities depend on livestock farming for their livelihood, however efficient livestock cannot be possible without proper utilization of livestock inputs. we will achieve customer loyalty due to our quality products, low prices, provision of skills and frequent follow up on the performance of our products towards production to make changes where necessary immediately. Our area of strength is that we do operate business in our profession; our business with a good management team will create awareness to customers towards our products and services through social media specifically via radio, printed bags with business name, via our business website and through farmers training and meetings. Demand of our products will increase with time as the number of livestock farmers increases with time.