Young People and Social Innovation in Europe
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Young People and Social Innovation in Europe

By Ljupka Janevska. “Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing a new social innovation is to solve different systemic issues that will hopefully contribute in increasing the enviorenment value. However,…

Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy
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Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy

We highly recommend you to follow the discussion by Philantropy Rountable  on the youth entrepreneurship in the face of the 21st Century Economy.   “Philanthropy Roundtable works with donors who want to build strong communities by introducing them to organizations that help people access economic opportunity. This includes programs that teach young people the skills…

From Tczew with Love

From Tczew with Love

“Szafa serc”/Wardrobe of Hearts/ Charity Shop is a new social initiative based in Tczew, Poland, which started its’ activity in June this year. Recently we’ve visited “Szafa Serc”, as we were interested in finding out on our own how the 1st charity shop in Tczew works. We were amazed by the warm welcome, the genuine…

Entrepreneurs — here’s how you can improve your funding outcomes
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Entrepreneurs — here’s how you can improve your funding outcomes

“Cambridge Judge Business School has collaborated with Esme Learning to launch executive education programmes to empower working professionals’ careers. The multi-year collaboration commences with two inaugural six-week online executive education programmes in startup funding and RegTech, which start in October 2021. Startup Funding: From Pre-Seed to Exit aims to help entrepreneurs overcome the trickiest funding challenges…

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Numerous studies show that today’s young people are highly motivated to generate positive social change (Lewis, 2016; Punadi and Rizal, 2017). Social entrepreneurship may have great potential to mobilize youth to engage in efforts to achieve major social objectives, including employment creation, poverty reduction, inclusion and integration. Dedicated to serving the common good, social enterprises…

How social entrepreneurship helps to educate the world?
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How social entrepreneurship helps to educate the world?

How do social entrepreneurs and the projects they create impact the world at large? Maximillian Goetz, founder of the non-profit organization Robotics for All, discusses his experiences with social entrepreneurship and the real-world impacts he has witnessed firsthand. Maximilian Goetz is a first-year student at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. In April 2017, he…

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Strateegia süvaanalüüs Käesolev raport esitab Eesti sotsiaalse innovatsiooni, sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete jaoks kindlaks määratud strateegilise ökosüsteemi süvaanalüüsi. See tuvastab riigi peamised tugevad ja probleemsed küljed ning esitab strateegilised soovitused tugevama strateegilise ökosüsteemi arengu toetamiseks sotsiaalseks ettevõtluseks ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete jaoks. Peamised strateegilised probleemid, mida analüüsiti, hõlmavad: sotsiaalse innovatsiooni ja sotsiaalse ettevõtluse kultuuri loomist…

5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021
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5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021

As world is rapidly changing in face of the COVID-19 crisis we highly recommend you reading this article by Lior Ipp from Roddenberry Foundation, explaining how social entrepreneurs can act differently in current year. 5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021 The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the fragility of global systems and…

UpLink – a place where ideas can become a reality
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UpLink – a place where ideas can become a reality

Imagine you had a ‘eureka’ moment – an idea for a new way of doing something that could, in some way, make the world a better place. How would you go about turning that idea into reality? One place you could go, is UpLink, a platform which lets anyone from anywhere in the world submit their ideas…