
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight – Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

This ILO Spotlight brief is jointly developed by the Social Protection Department and [...]

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

The EYE programme has reached out to Ukrainian intermediary organisations and entrepreneurs to support them in this [...]

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We recommend the latest article "Potential of social economy for a more democratic, [...]

How to participate in the Erasmus+ for Young Entrepreneurs Programme

The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps provide aspiring European [...]

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Laern more about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border programme facilitating the exchange of entrepreneurial [...]

Check the Social Economy Talks podcasts!

“Social Economy Talks” is a Podcast series from Social Economy Europe about the [...]

No Green Deal without a Social Deal

We recommend reading the opinion by Norbert KLUGE (Workers - GR II / Germany) (Reference: INT/903-EESC-2020 presenting reflections [...]

The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe

European Social Economy website posted interesting relation from the meeting held on 13th [...]

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EC presented guidelines on Social Economy Action Plan in form of Q&A

Questions and answers: the Social Economy Action Plan   What is the social [...]

Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship

We want to share with you the report   written by Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting [...]