
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Are You Still not recycling? You Might Regret It!

What is Life Cycle Assessment and How it helped BinFree to discover their [...]

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Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women

Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women (ETMCW) is a concept delivered by [...]

Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

MAMYWENE studio is an organization based in the grounds of the old shipyard [...]

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22 Awesome Social Enterprise Ideas and Examples

There are several ways you can go about searching for social enterprise ideas. [...]

GARAGE48 – From an idea to a prototype successful entrepreneur in 48 hours!

Are the following Estonian entrepreneurs behind successful startups known to you? Taxify, Pipedrive, Fortumo, Weekdone [...]

Ideas for social businesses

Russian foundation "Our future" has opened the online platform to collect and share the [...]

5 powerful ideas for global impact from social entrepreneurs

All of us wish to feel a sense of purpose in our careers and make a meaningful contribution to society, but it can be hard to know where to start. Social entrepreneurs offer a fascinating model. They combine compassion and business acumen to scale solutions that are needed now more than ever. […]