PAPER  Mapping social innovation networks: Knowledge intensive social services as systems builders

Mapping social innovation networks: Knowledge intensive social services as systems builders

Social innovations are often seen as the product of social entrepreneurs. This paper instead asserts that social innovations are also routinized. This is the result of the appearance of a new type of actors: Knowledge Intensive Social Services (KISS). Like Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS), KISS are consultancy organizations that provide their clients with specific knowledge to assist…

Taking the pulse on the Nordic Changemaker landscape

Taking the pulse on the Nordic Changemaker landscape

The Nordic Changemaker Map is a collaborative project with the objective to identify key stakeholders, networks, connectivity, and needed support to strengthen the Nordic ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and Changemaking. The Map uses a Snowball Analysis method that enables a grassroots approach to and thus engaging Changemakers from all parts of the region. The Map…