PAPER  Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Case Studies in Portugal
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Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Case Studies in Portugal

Young people in western societies currently live in a paradoxical social condition: never has a generation been so qualified, nurturing high aspirations and expectations throughout school, regarding the value of employability and professional progression, while unemployment rates reach worrying values in younger population, a situation that is becoming structural. While discussing how the tools for the development of skills for…

Model and invitation to Impact Procurement in Lithuania
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Model and invitation to Impact Procurement in Lithuania

Impact Procurement: New Opportunities for Social Businesses and NGOs to Develop Quality Public Services and Collaborate with Municipalities A procurement model where the ordering of municipal services is not based on the purchase of a specific service but on the purchase of results is called impact procurement. The municipality identifies the partners in the field…

Polish Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 awards granted!
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Polish Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 awards granted!

The competition for granting the Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 is aimed at awarding those entities that successfully combine economic activity with social commitment. The awarded certificates will contribute to building the brand of specific entities and the entire social economy sector. One of the categories will also include local governments that…