PAPER  Social innovation drivers in social enterprises: systematic review
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Social innovation drivers in social enterprises: systematic review

By gathering and organizing dispersed knowledge about the SI process in SEs, this paper can help the social entrepreneurs, policy makers and supporting organisations of SEs to direct their attention to appropriate drivers that can enhance the SE’s ability to innovate socially. The study examines how SI can be encouraged and managed effectively in the SE. By investigating the…

STUDY  Systemic Design Principles in Social Innovation: A Study of Expert Practices and Design Rationale
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Systemic Design Principles in Social Innovation: A Study of Expert Practices and Design Rationale

In recent decades, design has expanded from a practice aimed at designing things to one that helps to address complex societal challenges. In this context, a field of practice called systemic design has emerged, which combines elements of systems thinking with elements of design. We use a case study approach to investigate how expert practitioners carry out systemic…

The Social Procurement Manual
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The Social Procurement Manual

This manual is a practical guide to integrating social businesses into corporate value chains created by Yunus Social Business as a part of research series “Business as Usual“.  What is social procurement? We de-ladder fine ‘Social Procurement’ as the purchase of goods and services by companies from social businesses. Through social procurement, companies integrate social businesses into their supply…

Research paper / Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university

Research paper / Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university

Social entrepreneurship education: changemaker training at the university. A study has been made to to contribute to the body of scientific knowledge about teaching and promoting social entrepreneurship in higher education institutions (HEIs) based on a measurement before and after concluding an educational experience. It indicated that incorporating transversal social entrepreneurship projects in various courses resulted in students…

“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”
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“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.   We recommend great reading on polish social entrepreneurship sector by PhD Marzena Starnawska from Gdansk Technical University. Her paper:  THEORIZING ON…

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi analüüs

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi analüüs

Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus RAKE on koostanud sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi uuringu (2017). Uuringus on analüüsitud nii Eesti kui ka teiste riikide sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteeme ning on tehtud ettepanekud sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi parendamiseks Eestis. Uuringus on põhjalikult käsitletud olemasoleva tugisüsteemi elemente, sh regulatsioonid, juriidilised vormid, rahastusmeetmed, arenguprogrammid, võrgustikud jm. Uuring on kättesaadav eesti keeles Riigikantselei…