
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




What would happen if we support circular economy with tax exemptions? Look at Sweden

Can you imagine the new opportunities for the social enterprises in the circular economy sector if some other countries would follow the Sweden’s lead to make certain services VAT exempt? Would you stop throwing things away and get them repaired instead, if it were cheaper to do so? This is the qustions being asked and debated in the Sweden at the moment. […]

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Social Entrepreneurs Need To Be Futurists, Too

we just came across an interesting article on Fast Company about a new type of social entrepreneurs that would like to share with you. What if we tried to prevent future problems, instead of just solving the ones in front of us? This is the question asked. […]

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Social enterprises and procurement legislation

  Every year, over 250 000 public authorities in the EU spend around [...]

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Podcasts about Social Entrepreneurship

Do you prefer learning via listening to great podcasts? There are a lot [...]

TED(x) talks about Social Entrepreneurship

There are a lot of inspiring TED talks and TEDx talks about social [...]

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

If I'd need to say it in one word, it would be this: [...]

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5 powerful ideas for global impact from social entrepreneurs

All of us wish to feel a sense of purpose in our careers and make a meaningful contribution to society, but it can be hard to know where to start. Social entrepreneurs offer a fascinating model. They combine compassion and business acumen to scale solutions that are needed now more than ever. […]