Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy
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Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy

We highly recommend you to follow the discussion by Philantropy Rountable  on the youth entrepreneurship in the face of the 21st Century Economy.   “Philanthropy Roundtable works with donors who want to build strong communities by introducing them to organizations that help people access economic opportunity. This includes programs that teach young people the skills…

#MySocialRights video competition for youth!
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#MySocialRights video competition for youth!

Full info: Are you interested in social rights in Europe? Looking for an opportunity to shine a light on social issues that matter to you? Then read on! The #MySocialRights video competition will give you the opportunity to show your ideas and hopes for the future of social Europe and tell us what it means…

From Tczew with Love

From Tczew with Love

“Szafa serc”/Wardrobe of Hearts/ Charity Shop is a new social initiative based in Tczew, Poland, which started its’ activity in June this year. Recently we’ve visited “Szafa Serc”, as we were interested in finding out on our own how the 1st charity shop in Tczew works. We were amazed by the warm welcome, the genuine…

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Policy paper: “Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet.”

Social Economy Europe is a platform representing the voices of  2.8 million social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe. is pleased to present its policy paper Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet. This document has been elaborated by SEE in cooperation with its seventeen members -AIM, AMICE,…

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, with developing a European Action Plan for Social Economy. The 2021 Commission Work Programme announced that the publication date for the Action Plan would be the fourth quarter of 2021. It also highlights that the Action Plan will enhance social investment, support social economy…

Social Economy entities from Pomorskie Region will be present at the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland!
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Social Economy entities from Pomorskie Region will be present at the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland!

Social Economy Support Centre from Gdańsk ( invites you to Pomorska Street in Gdańsk during the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland, where you will find stands of social economy entities from all over Pomerania! Our exhibitors will sell their products from July 24 to August 15, 2021, on Szeroka Street and Ołowianka Street. Social…

Social Economy mainstreamed into the ESF Plus & the ERDF

Social Economy mainstreamed into the ESF Plus & the ERDF

Important information coming from the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund. Click on links to read full documents. ESF Plus Regulation, approved yesterday, states:  Social economy enterprises could play a key role in delivering on social innovation and contributing to economic and social resilience. The definition of a social economy enterprise should…

Financing the social economy in Poland – Updated case study April 2021

Financing the social economy in Poland – Updated case study April 2021

European Commission, together with the European Investment Bank and FI.Compas has prepared the latest version of the report presenting the financial landscape for social economy actors in Poland. From the Fi.Compass website: Financial instruments under ESF have long been supporting Social Economy Enterprises in Poland. This updated case study focuses on the National Fund for…