the  Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP) is now available in 23 EU official languages
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the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP) is now available in 23 EU official languages

The European Commission has today presented an Action Plan to help the European social economy thrive, tapping into its economic and job-creation potential, as well as its contribution to a fair and inclusive recovery, and the green and digital transitions. Please see here the document in 23 languages: And read below general info on…

Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship
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Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship

We want to share with you the report   written by Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT). It does not represent the official views of the Committee of the Regions. Read the whole document here:  More information on the European Union and the Committee of the Regions is available online at…

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Funding opportunities for social economy – update 2022

Social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship are topics with transversal relevance for a variety of policy fields and economic sectors. Funding opportunities can therefore be found in most EU funding programmes. Some of these programmes include dedicated measures. Others can be tapped into by social economy and inclusive entrepreneurship actors, even if they do not target…

How can social innovation and social entrepreneurship build the resilience of the future workforce?
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How can social innovation and social entrepreneurship build the resilience of the future workforce?

With digitalization, globalization and an aging population the landscape of work is rapidly changing. Projections show that in the next 10 years in the workforce constant upskilling and digital dexterity will outweigh tenure and experience. Hence, young people and adults are confronted with navigating a highly interconnected and volatile world where the jobs, technologies and societal…

Webinar: Social enterprise partnerships with corporates – succesful cases from the UK

Webinar: Social enterprise partnerships with corporates – succesful cases from the UK

Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark project Rummelig Genstart hosted a webinar Successful English Social Enterprise Partnerships with Corporates Thursday 17 March 2022. You can see the webinar here Background for the webinar. England is one of the countries in the world with the most growing sector for social enterprises. This applies both in relation to political…

The world’s first social enterprise speakers agency

The world’s first social enterprise speakers agency

The English charity Expert Impact, which in recent years has matched more than 400 social entrepreneurs with mentors, has just launched the world’s first social enterprise speakers agency named Expert Impact Speakers. They aim to capture a piece of the growing market for speakers and has launched the company with a diverse mix of social entrepreneurs, entertainers…

Young People and Social Innovation in Europe
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Young People and Social Innovation in Europe

By Ljupka Janevska. “Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing a new social innovation is to solve different systemic issues that will hopefully contribute in increasing the enviorenment value. However,…

Social Entrepreneurship – new book on social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship – new book on social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship – A Practice-Based Approach to Social Innovation is a new textbook with a practice-based approach to social innovation by J. Howard Kucher and Stephanie E. Raible. The book provides in an easily accessible way a comprehensive guide to the various building blocks needed to create a sustainable social enterprises. At the same time,…

Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy
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Youth Entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Economy

We highly recommend you to follow the discussion by Philantropy Rountable  on the youth entrepreneurship in the face of the 21st Century Economy.   “Philanthropy Roundtable works with donors who want to build strong communities by introducing them to organizations that help people access economic opportunity. This includes programs that teach young people the skills…