
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


social entrepreneurship

/Tag:social entrepreneurship

Read the newset article: ‘Social Entrepreneurship Education: Is it Achieving the Desired Aims?”

We recommend a very recent research article (2019) on social entrepreneurship "Social Entrepreneurship [...]

The European Social Fund Youth Employment Thematic Network visited the ‘So Stay’ work integration enterprise in Gdańsk, Poland. Learn more about their work!

The European Social Fund Youth Employment Thematic Network visited the ‘So Stay’ work [...]

Get to know the ‘So Stay’ work integration enterprise in Gdańsk, Poland.

https://youtu.be/nfDPB6hgrVY Get to know the ‘So Stay’ work integration enterprise in Gdańsk, Poland. [...]

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How are EU policies and programmes supporting social entrepreneurs?

What has the EU got to do with social enterprise? How are EU [...]

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The future is social entrepreneurship by Kerryn Krige TEDx

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]

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What is the difference? Social entrepreneurship vs traditional entrepreneurship

Looking at the differences between Business Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship. Specifically transactional solutions [...]

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Urvaste Village Society – a promoter of traditional food in Estonia

Urvaste Village Society is a NGO located in a small village in South [...]

Smart villages – a new way providing services in rural areas

European Network for Rural Development published a material about Smart Villages in May [...]

Kodukant, the Estonian Village Movement

Kodukant, the Estonian Village Movement is an association of non-governmental organizations, structured at three [...]

Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach

Polecamy apoznanie się z artykułem Małgorzaty Kurleto "Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu [...]