
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


social entrepreneurship

/Tag:social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants

Read this fantastic article by Julia Bahusi about the social entrepreneurship for immigrants, one [...]

By |Blog|1 Comment

Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kompleksową publikacją „Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej na [...]

By |Polish|0 Comments

The support programme of National Foundation of Civil Society for non-governmental organizations in Estonia

National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is a state financed civil society fund [...]

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale - [...]

A strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship

A new strategy has been completed in Estonia in 2018 - a strategy [...]

A web-based training course for social business advisors

This training material is set as a self-study course. Learnes – business advisors [...]

A toolkit for social business advisors

This toolkit is for social business advisors or potential business advisors to improve [...]

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a [...]

Support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region

Download here paper written by Renate Lukjanska (Rezekne Academy of Technologies), Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło (Uniwersytet Gdañski) [...]

ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

Read here the newest educational material - "ToolKit: how to promote social economy [...]