Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kompleksową publikacją „Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej na poziomie regionalnym i krajowym na podstawie wieloletnich regionalnych planów działań na rzecz promocji i upowszechnienia ekonomii społecznej oraz rozwoju instytucji sektora ekonomii społecznej i jej otoczenia w regionie oraz projektu Krajowego Programu Rozwoju Ekonomii Społecznej”, powstałą w ramach projektu “Partnerstwo na rzecz…

The support programme of National Foundation of Civil Society for non-governmental organizations in Estonia

The support programme of National Foundation of Civil Society for non-governmental organizations in Estonia

National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is a state financed civil society fund in Estonia established in 2008 by The Estonian Government. The objective of the NFCS is to contribute to enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations and foundations acting in the public interests of Estonia in the development of civil society and in the…

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale – alustava ettevõtja käsiraamatu. Käsiraamat julgustab samm-sammu haaval läbi mõtlema ettevõtlusega alustamise etapid alates ettevõtjaks olemise plussidest ja miinustest kuni äriplaani koostamise ja äriidee esitlemiseni välja. Raamatus on toodud ettevõtjate edulugusid, mis innustavad ja inspireerivad alustavat ettevõtjat. Käsiraamatus on ka toetavaid sõnu sotsiaalse…

A strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship

A strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship

A new strategy has been completed in Estonia in 2018 – a strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship, which aims to enhance and diversify youth entrepreneurship education. The strategy was developed by Estonian Youth Work Centre, Estonian Social Enterprise Network and Ministry of Education and Research. The partners decided to develop a strategy to…

A web-based training course for social business advisors

A web-based training course for social business advisors

This training material is set as a self-study course. Learnes – business advisors – can apply for new skills to provide appropriate advice to social entrepreneurs. This is a web-based training course, which contains 12 modules: Module 1: Understanding Social Entrepreneurship Module 2: Role of Business Advisors Module 3: Structures for the Development of Social…

A toolkit for social business advisors

A toolkit for social business advisors

This toolkit is for social business advisors or potential business advisors to improve the quality of the consulting and reach the additional value of consulting session. This toolkit is adapted to the social business advisors specially and contains 8 advisory techniques for groups of social entrepreneurs. It presents alternative advisory techniques and guidance, that when…

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot
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Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a military pilot, then a successful entrepreneur, Roman broke on a paraglider. The result is an almost complete lack of ability to move independently. Even today, after many years of rehabilitation, Roman needs a special assistant to breathe freely. Roman did not give…

Support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region
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Support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region

Download here paper written by Renate Lukjanska (Rezekne Academy of Technologies), Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło (Uniwersytet Gdañski) and Julia Kuznecova (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration) and published in International Business and Global Economy 2017, no. 36, pp. 262–274 (Biznes międzynarodowy w gospodarce globalnej 2017, nr 36, s. 262–274); Edited by the Institute of International Business, University of Gdañsk ISSN…

ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

Read here the newest educational material – “ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?” which is the result of the project  „SOCIAL BUSINESS FOR INCLUSION” (KA1, Erasmus+), written by Ewa Solarz and Anna Skowera from Fundacja Dobry Rozwój in 2017.   This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2…