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Entrepreneurship of people excluded in the transformation process In the program scope of incubators in Poland, initiatives focusing on entrepreneurship of socially excluded people are most often absent. This situation was conditioned by the processes of economic and social transformation in which snowballing unemployment required the creation of dedicated aid programs. Large groups of people…

Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland
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Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland

We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study examines the Pomorskie local entrepreneurship ecosystem and regional smart specialisation approach. It identifies bottlenecks and enablers in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem and makes policy recommendations on how to further strengthen local entrepreneurship and industrial renewal. The case study offers a number of…

Social collaboration software (SCS) – new collaboration tool

Social collaboration software (SCS) – new collaboration tool

Read about the newest collaboration tool from the https://technologyadvice.com/social-collaboration-software/   TechnologyAdvice Buyer’s Guide to Social Collaboration Software Updated: Jan. 2nd, 2020 Introduction Social collaboration software (SCS) is a vast marketplace of platforms designed to handle everything from knowledge management to enterprise application development. Businesses looking for an enterprise collaboration solution are faced with a daunting task: they…

A new call for proposals to boost the development of finance markets for social enterprises
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A new call for proposals to boost the development of finance markets for social enterprises

Read more here: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=89&newsId=9510&furtherNews=yes A new call for proposals was launched under the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (EaSI), with the aim of contributing to the development of finance markets for social enterprises across Europe. © Shutterstock / ByEmo Proposed actions in this call for proposals are expected to focus on designing financial instruments and mechanisms for social…

Estonian residents see entrepreneurship as an attractive career choice!   

Estonian residents see entrepreneurship as an attractive career choice!  

There is an important increase in the number of Estonians who think that the conditions in Estonia favour setting up a business, while fear of failure has decreased. (by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor study) There is an important increase in the number of Estonians who think that the conditions in Estonia favour setting up a business,…

Video about “Lets do business” project in Pomorskie, Poland

Video about “Lets do business” project in Pomorskie, Poland

Almost one hundred students from eight junior high schools of Nowodworski County from Pomorskie Voivodship took part in a few-month-long project “Lets do business”.   Its aim was to promote the economic potential of the areas surrounding Zalew Wiślany. The participants of the project presented eight different business plans concerning social enterprises. Among proposed ideas,…

Latvian and Estonian social and creative entrepreneurs meet at a market fair

Latvian and Estonian social and creative entrepreneurs meet at a market fair

Promoting products on various internet platforms and social media channels has become a common practice for both regular businesses and social enterprises. While these methods may work very well for marketing and sales purposes, real-life meeting and networking events offer a completely different experience – entrepreneurs and producers are able to share their experiences and…

“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”
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“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.   We recommend great reading on polish social entrepreneurship sector by PhD Marzena Starnawska from Gdansk Technical University. Her paper:  THEORIZING ON…