Youth Upskilling and Experience Through Social Innovation
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Youth Upskilling and Experience Through Social Innovation

Watch this lively conversation with Estefania Fernandez, a serial educational entrepreneur, youth leader and polyglot originally from Spain. After relocating to Berlin, Estefania created her “Business Model Republic” Meetup group to connect with others. This group exploded to more than 6 thousand members, and became an obvious launching point for her latest venture: e-bloom. E-bloom…

Youth Building Skills and Gaining Opportunities Through Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
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Youth Building Skills and Gaining Opportunities Through Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

“Nearly 90% of young people today live in low and middle-income countries.  Around 200 million adolescent people are not in education programs and 13% of young people globally are unemployed. This presents numerous challenges and hinders young people from acquiring skills which will be useful for their further development and activation in society. However social…

Young People and Social Innovation in Europe
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Young People and Social Innovation in Europe

By Ljupka Janevska. “Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing a new social innovation is to solve different systemic issues that will hopefully contribute in increasing the enviorenment value. However,…

WEBINAR  Place-based Social Innovation Through Living Labs
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Place-based Social Innovation Through Living Labs

Within promising community innovation practices targeting successful adoptions within communities, Living Labs are generating more and more buzz and yet there is confusion about what they are; when to use them; and what they can help us achieve. Take a look at this webinar to gain a clearer understanding of Livings Labs as Myriam Bérubé invites…

#HaveYourSay! Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem

#HaveYourSay! Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem

Take part in EU consultations and give your comments and input to the topic “Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital proximity and social economy ecosystem” You have time until 28th February and all the details about the document and ways to send your comments you will find…

Digital Innovation Camp: Youth and Social Entrepreneurship
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Digital Innovation Camp: Youth and Social Entrepreneurship

International Digital Innovation Camp has been organized online from 15-17th of November 2021 for young people from Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, and Norway to design and validate social entrepreneurship ideas designed by youth for solving specific challenges – loneliness and social isolation of people. The event has been scheduled for three days to introduce participants to…

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

Kuźnia cafe from Gdańsk, Poland – pleace run by people with big hearts!

  The Kuźnia cafe belongs to the network of social companies run by the Foundation for Social Innovation. It was established in 2012 as a place of first contact with work for young people from foster care facilities and other educational institutions aiming at young people at the risk of social exclusion run by the…

EU Youth Guarantee supporting unemployed youth!
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EU Youth Guarantee supporting unemployed youth!

What is the reinforced Youth Guarantee? The reinforced Youth Guarantee is a commitment by all Member States to ensure that all young people under the age of 30 receive a good quality offer of employment continued education apprenticeship traineeship within a period of four months of becoming unemployed or leaving education. All EU countries have committed to…

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, with developing a European Action Plan for Social Economy. The 2021 Commission Work Programme announced that the publication date for the Action Plan would be the fourth quarter of 2021. It also highlights that the Action Plan will enhance social investment, support social economy…