Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs stands firmly by the Ukrainian people in these difficult times

The EYE programme has reached out to Ukrainian intermediary organisations and entrepreneurs to support them in this crisis. Immediate emergency measures were taken and implemented by the entire network to support the functioning of the organisations and match Ukrainian entrepreneurs with their hosts outside of Ukraine and allow them to continue realising their ambitions to start and grow their companies. In addition, Ukrainian entrepreneurs who are already…

Here’s What You Can Do to Help People in Ukraine Right Now

Here’s What You Can Do to Help People in Ukraine Right Now

As destruction worsens and casualties mount during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, people all over the world are looking for ways to help. One simple step, experts say, is to remain informed about the conflict and to be cautious about the information that’s spread on social media. Disinformation is one of Russia’s favorite weapons of war, and…

Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE
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Social Economy for the full inclusion of people with disabilities BEST PRACTICE GUIDE

Social Economy for the Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities: How and Why – An Introduction to Our Best Practice Guide Actions speak louder than words, but how can companies, businesses and employers further include people with disabilities if they are not fully aware of the possibilities? The willingness of companies to make their businesses…

PACT FOR IMPACT: Creating an international network of SSE actors / social entrepreneurship
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PACT FOR IMPACT: Creating an international network of SSE actors / social entrepreneurship

Within the framework of the project Pact for Impact launched by the French government to constitute an international community of Social entrepreneurs, the association @LesCanaux is building a database of 1,000 SSE and social entrepreneurship organizations. The principle is to put a cartography online representative of the international ecosystem and large enough to encourage other…

Do you know youth support programme “YOUTH PROP UP”?
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Do you know youth support programme “YOUTH PROP UP”?

The Youth Prop Up action plan is part of the wider Estonian Youth Guarantee National Action Plan initiated by the European Union. The main aim is in supporting young people in need, who may have been made redundant or have not completed their education and are not currently studying. The programme attempts to assist them in realising their potential…

Internship at Social Enterprise Estonia and moving towards a greener lifestyle.

Internship at Social Enterprise Estonia and moving towards a greener lifestyle.

I am Katerina Chantzi and I am a social scientist. I am very excited to be an intern at Social Enterprise Estonia during my studies at Tallinn University in Social Entrepreneurship Master’s Programme. I started my internship in June 2020, a time when we were slightly starting to get out of our lockdown “caves” and…

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

During the webinar, the guidelines and recommendations of the amended program of assistance for socially and professionally excluded persons addressed to social employment entities and NGOs were discussed, as well as the rules of the “From exclusion to activation” competition announced by the Department of Social and Solidarity Economy at the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social…

Presentation on social economy support system in Poland
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Presentation on social economy support system in Poland

Presentation: Social entrepreneurship – investments from the ESF in Poland by Aleksandra Dmitruk, Deputy Director, ESF Management Department.   National Programme for Social Economy Development (NSPED) The social economy support system in Poland has two main components: (1) Creating “environment” for SEE creation and growth including soft support by country-wide Social Economy Support Units (2)…