GUIDELINES  Social impact communication in youth organisations and youth social enterprises
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Social impact communication in youth organisations and youth social enterprises

Within the project BALTIC: YOUTH: IMPACT, the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association together with the Baltic partners has developed Social Impact Communication Guidelines. The goal of social impact communication is to increase and scale the positive social and environmental impact. These guidelines aim to create support instruments to help employees or volunteers in youth organisations or social enterprises to communicate their social impact…

EaSI Technical Assistance for social enterprise finance
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EaSI Technical Assistance for social enterprise finance

Social enterprises contribute to the European policy in the area of employment and social inclusion and are particularly relevant for the implementation of the rights and principles expressed in the European Pillar for Social Rights. The European Commission recognised the potential of social enterprises for innovation and their positive impact on the economy and society at large…

Campus StarterKit for developing Social entrepreneurship
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Campus StarterKit for developing Social entrepreneurship

When combined with the educator’s passion, expertise, and leadership skills, social entrepreneurship has the potential to engage students in any field of study to apply their knowledge and skills to address society’s most pressing problems. University-based social entrepreneurship programs also create capacity for faculty and staff to develop skills, ideas, and the integrative modes of…

Official Launch of the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda
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Official Launch of the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda

2 Jul 2020 – Briefing by Mr. Elliot Harris, UN Chief Economist and Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development as well as a youth social entrepreneur, on the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda. The 2020 edition of the World Youth Report focuses on youth social entrepreneurship with a view to…

How to participate in the Erasmus+ for Young Entrepreneurs Programme
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How to participate in the Erasmus+ for Young Entrepreneurs Programme

The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps provide aspiring European entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start and/or successfully run a small business in Europe. New entrepreneurs gather and exchange knowledge and business ideas with an experienced entrepreneur, with whom they stay and collaborate for a period of 1 to 6 months….

Laern more about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
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Laern more about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border programme facilitating the exchange of entrepreneurial and management experience. The exchange is implemented by a stay of a newly established or potential entrepreneur with a well-experienced entrepreneur running a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) in another country. Since its launch in 2009, the scheme’s number of applications from…

Check the Social Economy Talks podcasts!
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Check the Social Economy Talks podcasts!

“Social Economy Talks” is a Podcast series from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. It will follow a journey of discovery (narrated by team member Nicholas Clark) aimed at elucidating social economy success stories and roles regarding the green transition, diversity and migrant entrepreneurship, digitalisation, COVID recovery…

The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe

The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe

European Social Economy website posted interesting relation from the meeting held on 13th May – The energy of social economy pioneers in Central & Eastern Europe. On 13 May 2022, Social Economy Europe participated, alongside with FEBEA, the European Commission (DG EMPL), the OECD, Community Finance Ireland and many other key stakeholders, in the Conference Enterprising for…

EC presented guidelines on Social Economy Action Plan in form of Q&A
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EC presented guidelines on Social Economy Action Plan in form of Q&A

Questions and answers: the Social Economy Action Plan   What is the social economy? There are 2.8 million social economy entities in Europe that employ 13.6 million people and which offer solutions to key challenges in our societies. Social economy organisations are entities which put social and environmental purposes before profit (“people and planet first”)….

Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship
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Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship

We want to share with you the report   written by Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT). It does not represent the official views of the Committee of the Regions. Read the whole document here:  More information on the European Union and the Committee of the Regions is available online at…