We make transition!

Various civil society actors – such as NGOs, associations, social entrepreneurs, cooperatives, communities, individuals – have an important role in helping public services to cope with external disturbances and social and ecological challenges. Local authorities, however, lack efficient methods    for systematic interaction with civil society actors. We make transition! is a three-year project involving altogether 11 partner organisations from the Baltic Sea region. The project is financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

The partner regions from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Norway will pilot local transition arenas that will focus on various eco-social sustainability topics, such as sustainable consumption, circular and sharing economy, biodiversity, food, mobility and sustainable work. The project will raise awareness among regional and local authorities on transition management and how to utilise the elements of Transition Arena co-creation process as a method of engaging actors from different levels of society. The project aims also to empower civil society actors and improve the understanding of their role and potential in making transitions.

The links below are used in the project to engage wider audiences in learning, providing feedback and exchanging of experiences related to project topics.

Find more information about the project here.