Socialinio poveikio vertinimas
Projekto metu parengėme socialinio poveikio vertinimo medotiką. Kviečiame susipažinti su pridėta medžiaga.
Projekto metu parengėme socialinio poveikio vertinimo medotiką. Kviečiame susipažinti su pridėta medžiaga.
Scientists found that most of the Norwegian cases had a low level of maturity. Collaborative social innovation is hard to accomplish in practice. The project showed that the general level of knowledge when it came to collaborative social innovation was low, and that the municipalities struggled to achieve true user involvement in the cases. By…
Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) is the UK membership body for social enterprise. Their work involves carrying out research, running campaigns for members and lobbying on the sector’s behalf. Their ‘Buy Social Corporate Challenge’ launched in 2016 created the world’s largest commitment to social procurement. They also work to raise the profile of people and social…
Padziļināta apmācību satura ceļvedis 2. nodaļa – Sociālo uzņēmēju aktivitāšu un prasmju koncepts Mērķis Definēt sociālo uzņēmējdarbību, sociālo uzņēmumu, noteikt atšķirību starp tradicionālu un sociālu biznesu, iepazīstināt ar kompetences definīciju un pamatprasmēm, vadoties pēc Eiropas Savienības (ES). Sniegt ieskatu ietekmes definīcijā, sociālā ietekmē un spēja novērtēt sociālo ietekmi. Metode PowerPoint prezentācijas, uzdevumi un darbs…
The Social Business Roadmap has the aim to support young people in creating a social enterprise in 10 simple steps. It is an entrepreneurial guide tool for helping young people to make their first step in the social business world, as it’s easy to get lost on the entrepreneurial route, thus this small guide could…
The youth will be the leaders of the country and the determinants of the continuity of government in the future. Malaysia now has many young entrepreneurs, but not all young entrepreneurs have basic knowledge in entrepreneurship and apply social entrepreneurship theory while running their businesses. The study’s findings show that the level of entrepreneurial literacy and the level of social…
The Academy is the first fully online management training programme focusing exclusively on social innovation. We are co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. What is social innovation? In short, any innovation that is social in its ends or in its means, or simply any working, innovative solution to help address a pressing societal challenge e.g. climate…
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