Guidelines to stimulate social economy
Local authorities have an important role in promoting social entrepreneurship in every country. However, they do not always have sufficient knowledge and not always actively participate in promotion and support of social entrepreneurship. Often the reason is the lack of a legal framework at national level or insufficient information, examples – those may favourably influence the development of social entrepreneurship. As a general objective of the project is the promotion of social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea region. It is important to involve local authorities to inform them about the necessity of supporting activities. To promote greater interest and support from the local government side, can be achieved by one of the results of the project – recommendation for municipalities. Those analyse situation of social entrepreneurship in each country, as well as based on the analysis of surveys and focus group work, offer solutions for more effective ways to support social entrepreneurship in the region.
Recommendations in English can be downloaded here (short version) and here (long version).