Kas yra socialinis verslas (video)
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Social Effektanalyse Håndbog er en ny lille publikation som viser, hvordan socialøkonomiske virksomheder, forandringsagenter og sociale organisationer kan udvikle en forandringsteori, der kan anvendes til at dokumentere den sociale effekt af deres arbejde. Håndbogen er forfattet af Jaan Aps formand for “Estonian Social Enterprise Network” og oversat til dansk af Per Bach, Sociale Entreprenører i…
Veel mõne aasta eest sarnanes sotsiaalne ettevõtlus enamikus Euroopa riikides ”mustale kastile”. Kui avastati ja mõisteti sotsiaalse ettevõtluse potentsiaali finantsiliselt jätkusuutliku positiivse ühiskondliku muutuse loomisel, hakkasid uurijad ja analüütikud sellele tähelepanu pöörama. Kõigest mõni kuu enne selle dokumendi valmimist avaldati veebis kaks aruannet. Euroopa Komisjon avaldas oma esimese sotsiaalseid ettevõtteid võrdleva ülevaate 2014. aasta lõpus….
Generally speaking, social impact is how organizations, businesses or individuals’ actions affect the surrounding community. It may be the result of an activity, project, program or policy and the impact can be both positive or negative. The social impact can be felt by people directly associated with that organization or individual, or have a more…
Purpose: Social impact investments are essential to support and promote social entrepreneurship development. This article aims to identify the factors that could develop the local impact investment market in Sri Lanka as a tool for funding social enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The methods of research are an analysis of scientific literature, experts’ interviews, and generalization. Findings: In…
“Know Your Impact: Social Impact Management Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs” is the project lead by Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF), that works as a research and practice centre on social impact in Turkey. The activities of organisation are focused on social impact measurement and creation of collaborative networks among civil society, public and private…
Throughout our global network, we are seeing more and more young entrepreneurs build businesses that deliver profit with purpose. They are the entrepreneurs working to solve some of the greatest environmental and social challenges of our time and will play a vital role in creating a more equitable and sustainable world for us all. It…
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