Successful business model in Estonia – case 3
Uuskasutus (Uuskasutuskeskus) is a non-profit organisation to promote reuse and recycling. Their objective is to re-use or re-design old things, giving them new value and a new purpose. Whilst recycling mainly means reprocessing packaging, paper and other items into raw material, the objective of re-use and re-design is to extend the lives of things or increase their value.
Societal objectives
Uuskasutus makes re-using and re-cycling easy, accessible and pleasant. For that purpose they collect items from people: if a person has anything that is still usable, clean and in good condition, but they justdon’t need it anymore, they can donate it to Uuskasutus. Uuskasutus will find the item a happy new owner either with help of their charity partners or by selling it for a reasonable price. Some of the collected items will be donated to families in need and to theatrical companies (for costumes, design, art projects). Other items in good condition will be sold at Uuskasutus’ stores. And the items no longer in condition to sell, are recycled. They do not believe in sending clothes and furniture to the landfills. Any money Uuskasutus makes will be used to further promote re-use and re-design.

Business model
All of the income is made by selling used goods and the profit is reinvested into re-using, re-cycling and promoting of it. For example they are expanding their business and opening new stores, also organising campains to spread the knowledge of their mission.
Additional activity
Uuskasutus also supports KiVa. KiVa is a research-based antibullying program that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland. The effectiveness of KiVa has been shown in a large randomized controlled trial. So in addition to re-using, Uuskasutus is contributing to reduce bullying in schools and kindergartens.
In conclusion, Uuskasutus’ most important goals are to promote reusing, recycling, to make people send their used goods to reusing centres and to promote the overall cause. They want to make people conscious of consuming and buying products, also about the trash that is being produced!