Video paskaita apie socialinį verslą
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Russian foundation “Our future” has opened the online platform to collect and share the ideas of social business. Any start-up or company can list their information on a project idea, business model, prototypes and results. Portal experts select projects to share best cases, assist networking and community building. Social entrepreneurs may use the portal also as an…
Socialinis verslas (angl. social entreprise) – verslo modelis, pagal kurį, išnaudojant rinkos mechanizmą, pelno siekimas susiejamas su visuomenei naudingais tikslais ir prioritetais, remiamasi socialiai atsakingo verslo bei viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės nuostatomis, taikomos socialinės inovacijos. Pagal socialinio verslo gaires remiantis Lietuvos kaimo plėtros 2014-2020 m. programa: Nevyriausybinių organizacijų ir socialinio verslo skirtumai pasireiškia: socialinio verslo…
If you’re looking for funding opportunities for your social enterprise, you might want to have a look at this “Ultimate guide to funding a startup”. It has a quite comprehensive list of funding options for startups. Even though many of them concern only Canada and USA, many of the options are also global (or one…
This guide has been written for voluntary and community organisations that want to develop new social enterprises. Most are looking at social enterprise as a route towards sustainability or as a way to expand their portfolio of existing services. Although the guide is focused on helping voluntary and community organisations to develop new social enterprises, they anticipate…
The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the involvement of individuals in social entrepreneurship in Poland from an institutional economics perspective. The research is based on exploratory data analysis using qualitative data covering 22 interviews with social entrepreneurs and 10 representatives of stakeholders from Poland as well as observations and…
Article “The Effective Methods and Practices for Accelerating Social Entrepreneurship Through Corporate Social Responsibility” written by: Audrone UrmanavicieneTallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society Udara Suwanda ArachchiTallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society DOI: Keywords: Corporate culture, Effective methods, Social enterprise, Social impact, Social value creation, Sustainability ABSTRACT The concepts of Social entrepreneurship and…
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