“BlindArt” from Latvia. The story of impact and success.

“BlindArt” from Latvia. The story of impact and success.

Social business is often confused with charity or social responsibility. Usually it happens, because impact from those are similar, however  social business makes impact by meeting social needs in long lasting way on society. It is  easy to donate time to time, but how easy it is to work with social challenges on a daily…

Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good MOOC
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Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good MOOC

Are you looking for free online resources to learn about social entrepreneurship? Thankfully there are now a few online courses and most recently available is the Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good MOOC. It is one of a three part series prepared by Middlesex University Business School, the Jindal Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship and…

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration

Technological development of 21st century is based on the needs, including those of communication and interaction. People innovate to create helpful tools and these tools, in fact, support new processes of innovation. The innovation is what moves people towards digital collaboration, and innovations is what is created in collaborative way, making lives easier. This may…

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NYA FINANSIERINGSFORMER FÖR SOCIAL INNOVATION En internationell utblick om impact investment Utgivare: Mötesplats Social Innovation (MSI) Rapportförfattare: Camilla Backström Verksamhetsansvarig för området Finansiering och Effektmätning vid Mötesplats Social Innovation. Camilla var del av det team som utvecklade en handbok tillsammans med European Philanthropy Association (EVPA), som handlar om hur man mäter och följer upp samhällseffekter….

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Dar kartą apie socialinį verslą

Europoje, kurios dalis esame ir mes, siekiant konkurencingos socialinės ekonomikos , socialinės inovacijos yra būtinos. Nors pastaraisiais metais daug girdima ir kalbama apie socialinį verslą, kuris galima sakyti ir yra socialinė inovacija, vis dar šioje srityje nematyti didelio proveržio. Kadangi socialinis verslas gali veikti įvairiom formom, tačiau nuo tradicinio verslo modelio skiriasi tuo, kad pirminė…