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SAMforSE – A Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs
The buzz is steadily increasing about tools that measure the impact of social enterprises and standardized metrics for assessing social, economic, and environmental impact. However, there are currently no easily applicable tools for social entrepreneurs to measure their businesses in this way. SAMforSE has been specially created to cover this gap. SAMforSE is a tool…
Handbook for trainers in Social Entrepreneurship
The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development presents the handbook created for trainers regarding the training courses in Social Economy and Entrepreneurship. The educational material was created in the framework of the European project ERASMUS+ entitled “Open Mind – gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study”. Open Mind…
Impact Startup – Accelerating impact in the Nordics – Now in Finland
Impact Startup program has found it’s way to Finland Finnish association for social enterprices ARVO will lauch Impact Startup acceleration program in Finland in 2020. Impact StartUp is a Nordic concept that is also launhed in also Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Nordic impact startups get intensive coaching for developing their business and help in finding new networks and…
Building better lives – pack to deliver activities on social enterprise.
Students as agents of change The pack contains six principal lesson plans as well as suggestions for activities in the classroom and community. The activities spur students to think about social problems in their localities and further afield and the role that businesses and social enterprises can play in addressing them. As the lessons progress,…
Social Economy Diaries
Social entrepreneurs in Europe can now share their story via the Social Economy Diaries, a new initiative of the Social DG GROW Unit F2 under the European Commission. The European Commission’s Platform Social Economy Community brings together actors in the European social economy field around a range of initiatives and activities. One of the initiatives…
Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions
We make transition! collected a variety of inspiring success stories of “civil society making sustainability transitions”. Case studies are related to social sustainability, circular economy, biodiversity, sustainable food and lifestyle from the Baltic Sea region. The case studies provide an outlook on the power of creative people and initiatives revealing the fundamental value of active…