MAKIS – a roadmap for CSO-s in Estonia
Consulting portal MAKIS, a roadmap for CSOs, helps to find quick answers to your questions regarding the establishment of an CSO and guides you through the complex world of funding opportunities. The website is available in Estonian, Russian and English language.
You can follow the main steps of the life cycle of a CSO:
- The establishment of a non-profit association: the steps for establishment, the legal duties of a CSO, the memorandum of association, etc. There are several examples of documents available.
- Accounting, reporting and taxes: the annular report, a special status with the Tax and Customs Board, which offers incentives for donators and also tax exemptions on several expenses (e.g. scholarships, grants, etc.).
- Applying for funding and financial support: the list of donors in Estonia, also international grant options.
- Getting support: NGO consultants in County Development Centres over Estonia.
- Dissolution of a CSO: the dissolution process and necessary steps for that.
There is also a helpful calendar of terms and events to remind you upgoming events or deadlines.
For future information visit a website: