Parmu Ecovillage – a nature-friendly community
Parmu Ecovillage is a non-profit organization which unites the community with the goal of becoming more socially, culturally, economically, and ecologically sustainable. Parmu Ecovillage is located in the Natura2000 area in South Estonia and promotes and fosters a holistic approach to restoring the environment through regenerative farming, gardening and forestry. The Ecovillage is using and promoting the traditional method of farming no-to-minimal help of machines. The Ecovillage is strongly a mission-oriented organization.
Ecovillagers are united by shared ecological and socio-economic values. The shared ecological values are by example a holistic land management, using ecologically clean products, moving towards a more waste-free lifestyle, etc. The shared common socio-economical values like more sustainable and local resource-based enterprises in the area with minimal ecological impact; strong community and a wide range of good in the area, etc. All Parmu ecovillagers want to reduce the environmental illiteracy and promoting the nature-friendly lifestyle.
Parmu Ecovillage is also a network, which involves other social enterprises and enterprises from the area.
Business model
Offer: organizing and carrying out Nature Conservation Holidays (called „Talgud“ in Estonian) in order to develop skills, knowledge and understanding for making environmentally friendly decisions with a specific focus on agri- and silviculture.
Additional goods are offered by the members of the Ecovillage network: accommodation, different hiking or canoeing tours, woodwork, ecologically clean products like herbal tea, skin-care cosmetics, etc.
Customer segments: volunteers, eco-friendly people, enterprises, the public at large
Customer relationship: personal
Key activities: practical on-spot conservation work in traditional way
Key recourses: land, animals, traditional farming equipment
Cost structure: animal feed, cots of cultivation, people
Revenue streams: Conservation Holiday packages, tourism packages
Impact measurement: young people and volunteers attending the nature Conservation Holidays; number of enterprises achieving recognized standards for sustainable agriculture by the memebers of Ecovillage Network; ecologically clean/organic products developed by the members of Ecovillage network; local economic growth