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Yearly Archives: 2018


Massive Open Online Course for Future Social Innovators

After successfully piloted “Champions of Change” training course for facilitators of social innovation in [...]

This German social enterprise wants to hire your grandma to bake cakes

If you find yourself in Munich with a hankering for your nan’s baked goods, a [...]

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“Building Social Business” – Muhammad Yunus

What is social business? And how is it different from Social Enterprise? The [...]

#StartingGood Social Enterprise Virtual Summit

Do you need some skills and knowledge to help turn your ideas into [...]

Business Model in Iceland: geoSilica

GeoSilica’s mission is to utilise waste from geothermal production to create a sustainable [...]

Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise

Though Australia seems far far away for the Baltic and Nordic countries, why [...]

Millennials Are Finding New Models For Driving Change

During the 2016 presidential election, many millennials considered voting to be the most generous way they might donate a little bit of time to move the country forward. “The attention a presidential election necessarily shines on social issues had not inspired millennials to get any more involved than they normally had been,” notes the authors of the recently released 2017 Millennial Impact Report, part of an annual series that surveys how deeply millennials engage with cause work, which is supported by Achieve, a research and marketing agency, and backed by the Case Foundation. […]

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Gloucester Services: Supports local communities and social enterprises

Gloucester Services is the first motorway service in England, that donates 3% of [...]

Apie socialinį verslą lietuvoje

Socialiniam verslui būdingas labai platus veiklos spektras. ES valstybėse narėse socialinis verslas dažniausiai [...]

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

Cocco Bello produces organic creamed honey in a small village in the Ural mountains [...]